Blueberry is a gnome-bluetooth based bluetooth configuration tool which integrates very well in almost any desktop environment.
The MATE+Compiz spin bundles MATE Desktop with Compiz Fusion. MATE Desktop is a lightweight, powerful desktop designed with productivity and performance in mind. The default windows manager is Marco which is usable for all machines and VMs. Compiz Fusion is a beautiful 3D windowing manager with Emerald and GTK+ theming.
If you want a powerful, lightweight Fedora desktop with 3D eyecandy you should definitely try the MATE+Compiz spin.
Blueberry is a gnome-bluetooth based bluetooth configuration tool which integrates very well in almost any desktop environment.
ワールドワイドウェブを、完全な機能を備えたウェブブラウザ Firefox と共に探索しましょう。
Hexchat を使えば、 IRC クライアントを使うことで、簡単に友人や仲間と接続することができます。
Are you a downloader? Use Transmission to get new versions of Fedora MATE+Compiz Desktop!
Fedora MATE+Compiz ships a terminal, the gateway to the real power of any UNIX/Linux machine, called MATE Terminal.
LibreOffice は、統合感のあるオフィススイートです。自由・オープンなスタンダードドキュメントフォーマットとコンポーネントを利用します。
Claws Mail is an easy to configure and full featured email application for the MATE+Compiz Desktop.
Simple interface. Powerful music management. Smart Playlists. Advanced track tagging. Automatic album art. Lyrics. Streaming Radio. Podcasts.
GTK3 と GStreamer プラグインフレームワークを使用した、モダンなメディアプレイヤー。
Eye of MATE is meant to be a fast and functional image viewer for the MATE+Compiz Desktop.
FileZilla is a cross-platform free FTP solution with tons of intuitive tools, helping you to move files quickly between your computer and Web server.