From Fedora Project Wiki

No edit summary
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|| saxpath.jar
|| saxpath.jar
|| [ CodeHaus page]
|| Saxpath became a part of jaxen.  We should ask Alfresco to build and test with jaxen instead.
|| shale-test-1.0.4.jar
|| shale-test-1.0.4.jar

Revision as of 19:44, 20 June 2008

Getting Alfresco Into Fedora

LeeFaus works for Alfresco and is interested in getting Alfresco into Fedora. We will use this page to track the progress.


JAR name Containing project/URL Information we have
acegi-security-0.8.2_patched.jar [1]
addressing-1.0.jar [2]
chiba-1.3.0.jar Chiba 1.4.0 build uses maven and requires: org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-webdav:jar:1.0-beta-2
commons-jxpath-1.2.jar [3] JPackage has this
ehcache-1.4.1-patched.jar [4] JPackage has this
fontbox-0.1.0.jar [5]
freemarker.jar [6] JPackage has this
guessencoding-1.0.jar CodeHaus homepage Maven POM
hrtlib.jar [7]
htmlparser-1.6.jar [8]
jaxrpc.jar [9]
jbpm-identity-3.2.jar jbpm-jpdl-3.2-patched.jar [10]
jcr-1.0.jar [11]
jibx-bind.jar jibx-run.jar [12] JPackage has this
jid3lib-0.5.jar [13]
JMagick.jar [14]
jooconverter-2.1.0.jar [15]
jstl-1.1.0.jar [16] [17] Build requires: servlet24.jar, jsp20.jar, jdbc2_0-stdext.jar, jaxp-api.jar, dom.jar, sax.jar, xalan.jar, xercesImpl.jar
jta [18] This should be in Fedora
jug-lgpl-2.0.0.jar [19] CodeHaus UUID Generator
lucene-analyzers-2.1.0.jar lucene-snowball-2.1.0.jar [20] [21]
myfaces-api-1.1.5.jar JPackage has this
odf_utils.jar odf_utils This is very small: only a few classes.
odmg-3.0.jar JPackage has this
openoffice-juh-2.0.3.jar [22] UDK for OpenOffice rpm
openoffice-jurt-2.0.3.jar [23] UDK for OpenOffice rpm
openoffice-ridl-2.0.3.jar [24] UDK for OpenOffice rpm
openoffice-sandbox-2.0.3.jar [25] UDK for OpenOffice ????
openoffice-unoil-2.0.3.jar [26] UDK for OpenOffice rpm
opensaml-1.0.1.jar JPackage has this
pdfbox-0.7.3.jar JPackag has this
poi-3.0.2.jar JPackage has this (I think -- overholt)
portlet-api-lib.jar This URL doesn't look right. What about the JBoss implementation? -- overholt] The Sun download looks like an implementation ... at least it has a build.xml :)
resolver.jar [27] Apache XML Commons Part of Xerces if we want to include it
rhino-js-1.6R7.jar We're pretty confident this is just the js.jar that's part of the rhino package in Fedora.
saaj.jar [28] [ An implementation of this is in axis which is in Fedora
saxpath.jar CodeHaus page Saxpath became a part of jaxen. We should ask Alfresco to build and test with jaxen instead.
shale-test-1.0.4.jar Shale test sub-project I think this may only be used for testing. This page says it requires: Servlet API 2.4 or later, JavaServer Pages 2.0 or later, JavaServer Faces 1.1 or later, JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) 1.1 or later, Apache Commons BeanUtils 1.7 or later, Apache Commons Chain 1.1 or later, Apache Commons Digester 1.8 or later, Apache Commons Logging 1.1 or later and optionally (some components): Apache Commons Validator 1.3.1 or later, Apache Commons SCXML 0.6 or later, Spring Framework 1.2.8 or later, Cargo, jMock
spring-2.0.2.jar JPackage has Spring 1.x.
springmodules-jbpm31.jar It looks like is gone. maven mirror
standard.jar same as JSTL
subetha-smtp.jar SubEthaSMTP This stuff is in lib/ and there's no build.xml/pom.xml: activation.jar, junit.jar, mail.jar, mina-core-1.1.3.jar, mina-filter-ssl-1.1.3.jar, mina-integration-jmx-1.1.3.jar, slf4j-api-1.4.3.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.4.3.jar
tlc124.jar TrueLicense Library Collection Building from source information on the website
tm-extractors-0.4_patched.jar TextMining The "_patched" scares me -- overholt
tomcat-coyote.jar Tomcat Connectors (?) I feel like we used to have this in Fedora -- overholt
truezip.jar truezip Not at JPackage.
wss4j.jar Apache WSS4J JPackage has this.
xstream-1.1.3.jar JPackage has xstream.