From Fedora Project Wiki

FUDCon KL Planning Meeting 2012-04-03

Meeting Time

  • When:
 date -d 'TZ="MYT" 2012-04-03 19:00:00'
  • Where: UCTI/APIIT, Bukit Jalil


This meeting will be lead by KageSenshi.

  • The participants will be posted after the meeting.

Meeting Protocol


Please update this agenda with your latest items before the meeting has started.

Meeting summary and action items

  • Decision
    • 50 persons for dinner
    • Next week Wednesday 11th April, 2012 - meet up to discuss the fabric sample for T-Shirt.
  • Action Items for Promo Team
    • Guidebook for foreign attendees.
    • Email for Call For Participation.
    • Invitation letter to Edu Sector.
    • Invitation letter to Ministry Sector.
    • Come up with a viral marketing plan to promote FUDCon.
    • Make invitation card for selected attendees for dinner.
  • Action Items by Individual
    • Action Items for KageSenshi
      • to check the quotes for banner and lanyard.
      • to fix the t-shirt design and upload the svg.
    • Action Items for MavJS
      • to get official letter template from Gurdip, to draft CFP for Edu & Ministry sector.
      • to ping harish with approved subsidy attendees' details that are received.
    • Action Item(s) for Gurdip
      • to print some fliers and stick them around UCTI. (1 ream)


Next meeting

Next FUDCon KL Planning meeting will be on 2012-04-05 14:00 UTC (22:00 MYT) at #fudcon-planning.