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Ha sido liberada la versión Alpha de Fedora 19 "Schrödinger's Cat" con una vista previa de las últimas y fantásticas, libres y tecnologías de código abierto actualmente bajo desarrollo. Echémosle un vistazo:

¿Qué es una versión Alpha?

La versión Alpha contiene todas las carecterísticas emocionantes de Fedora 19 de forma que cualquier persona puede ayudar a probarla. Esta prueba, está guiada por el equipo de Fedora QA, ayudándonos a cumplir los objetivos de solucionar e identificar los errores. Cuando estos errores sean corregidos, nosotros liberaremos una versión Beta. Una versión Beta es código-completo y que tiene un gran parecido con la tercera y la versión final. La versión final de Fedora 19 se espera a principios de Julio.

Nosotros necesitamos su ayuda para hacer Fedora 19 la mejor versión hasta ahora, así que por favor cedenos un poco de su tiempo para descargar y probar la versión Alpha de Fedora y esté seguro de que las cosas más importantes para ti estén funcionando. Si encuentra un error, por favor repórtelo siempre con ello está dando la oportunidad de mejorar la experiencia de millones de usuarios que usan Fedora en todo el mundo. Juntos, podemos hacer Fedora una distribución sólida como una roca. Tenemos una cultura dónde se coordinan las nuevas características y la subida de correcciones via upstream en la medida de lo posible, con su reporte no sólo ayudaremos a Fedora, sino que que también al Software Libre y a Linux. (Mire the end of this announcement para más información sobre cómo ayudar.)


Fedora está orgullosa de ser vanguardista en cuanto las tecnologías para usuarios del software de código abierto en todo el mundo, y en esta versión continuamos con esa tradición. No se preocupe sobre qué hará, Fedora 19 tiene herramientas que puede necesitar para ayudar a que sus cosas salgan bien.

Una lista completa con los detalles de cada nueva característica están disponibles en el siguiente enlace:

Create and Develop

Would you like to play? Whether you're a developer, maker, or just starting to learn about open source development, we have what you need to bring your ideas to reality. Here's a peek at some of our new tools:

  • Developer's Assistant is great for those new to development or even new to Linux, this tool helps you to get started on a code project with templates, samples, and toolchains for the languages of your choice. Bonus: It lets you publish directly to GitHub.
  • OpenShift Origin makes it easy for you to build your own Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) infrastructure, allowing you to enable others to easily develop and deploy software.
  • 3D modelling and printing are enabled through a variety of tools, including OpenSCAD, Skeinforge, SFACT, Printrun, and RepetierHost.
  • node.js is a popular Javascript-based platform for those building scalable network applications or real-time apps across distributed devices. Also included is the npm package manager, providing access to over 20,000 programs and libraries available under free and open source licenses.
  • Ruby 2.0.0, just released in February, comes to Fedora while maintaining source-level backwards compatibility with your Ruby 1.9.3 software. Also included: a custom Ruby loader for easy switching of interpreters.
  • Scratch, a graphical, educational programming environment lets you (and even better, the kids you introduce it to) create interactive stories, games, animation, music, and art.

Deploy, Monitor, and Manage

Make your machines work for you--not the other way around. Whether you have one or "one too many" machines, Fedora 19 helps you boot manage your systems and enables you to be proactive with tools for diagnosis, monitoring, and logging.

  • Syslinux optional boot tool integration brings you optional, simplified booting of Fedora. We have added support for using syslinux instead of GRUB via kickstart and plan to add a hidden option in Anaconda installer as well. syslinux is especially ideal for images used in cloud environments and virt appliances where the advanced features of GRUB is not needed.
  • systemd Resource Control lets you modify your service settings without a reboot by dynamically querying and modifying resource control parameters at runtime. This is one of many systemd enhancements in Fedora 19.
  • Checkpoint & Restore provides the ability to checkpoint and restore a process and is useful for cases such as process failure, or moving a process to another machine for maintenance or load balancing.
  • Virt storage migration lets you move a virtual machine *and* in-use storage without requiring shared storage between the hosts--a significant improvement upon previous capabilities.
  • OpenLMI is a common infrastructure for the management of Linux systems that makes remote management of machines much simpler.
  • High Availability Container Resources extend the corosync/pacemaker HA stack beyond management of virtual guests to containers inside the guests themselves. Define and add containers in your virtual guests through discovery.

Desktop Environments and Spins


GNOME 3.8 brings new applications such as clock and improvements to the desktop including privacy and sharing settings, ordered search, frequent applications overview, and additionally provides the ability to enable a "classic mode" for a user experience similar to GNOME 2 built out of a collection of GNOME Shell extensions. Refer to for more details.

KDE Plasma Workspaces 4.10

A modern, stable desktop environment, KDE Plasma Workspaces 4.10 includes new features for printing and screenlocking, better indexing of files, and improved accessibility features. Refer to for more details.

MATE Desktop 1.6

The MATE 1.6 Desktop introduces a large number of improvements to this traditional, GNOME 2-like desktop interface. Refer to for more details.


Spins are alternate versions of Fedora. In addition to various desktop environments for Fedora, spins are also available as tailored environments for various types of users via hand-picked application sets or customizations.

Interest-specific Spins include the Design Suite Spin, the Robotics Spin, and the Security Spin, among others. Other available desktop environments, in addition to the GNOME 3.8 desktop which is shipped in the default version of Fedora 19, as well as those highlighted above, include Xfce, Sugar on a Stick, and LXDE.

To see all of the Official Fedora 19 Release Spins, see the Fedora 19 Release Spins link.

Nightly composes of alternate Spins are available here:

Note on performance

Fedora development releases use a kernel with extra debug information to help us understand and resolve issues faster; however, this can have a significant impact on performance. Refer to kernel debug strategy for more details. You can boot with slub_debug=- or use the kernel from nodebug repository to disable the extra debug info.

Issues and Details

Schrödinger's Cat Alpha is a testing release. To report issues encountered during testing, contact the Fedora QA team via the test mailing list or in #fedora-qa on freenode.

As testing progresses, common issues are tracked at

For tips on reporting a bug effectively, read .


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