From Fedora Project Wiki

Location and Date

  • Rheinfelden, Germany
  • Arrival: Friday, 2013-12-06 & Departure: Sunday, 2013-12-08

Accomodation and stay

Responsible Ambassadors


Please add yourself if you want to attend including also your estimated budget request for transportation.
If you add your self, you better make sure to come!
Attendee Estimated travel expenses
1. Gerold Kassube
2. Robert Mayr traveling with Gabriele by car from Milan
3. Gabriele Trombini € 100,00 for the travel by car (Milan - Rheinfelden)
4. Christos Bacharakis €399 if I depart on Monday the 9th of December. The flights on the 8th are way more expensive and depart from Basil early in the morning. + €20 for a two way train ticket from Basel to Rheinfelden and back
5. Fabian Affolter 200 km by car ~ 16 l ~ €25
6. Christoph Wickert 66,60 EUR (already booked)
7. Jiří Eischmann Flight from Prague to Zurich, then a train to Rheinfelden, $220 in total, the night train from Prague to Basel and back is $250
8. Miro Hrončok the same as Jiri
9. Felix Kaechele 78,51 EUR (already booked, managed to cash in a 20€ coupon by just googling "Lufthansa Gutschein". Try it!)
10. Zoltán Hoppár Train costs 50 EUR from Györ to BUD with return. 2 direct flight ticket with EasyJet: 140 € BUD to BSL (this is cheap ticket, cost raises quickly as the date nearing), includes return, together with Rgeri77. Possibly transfer, and train costs from BSL Airport to Rheinfelden for 2 person (sorry I didn't found yet prizes).
11. Gergely Rákosi see line 10
12. Aleksandra Fedorova 70 EUR, flight from Berlin
13. JoergSimon (if single room is available) --> confirmed travel from Stuttgart goes on my account
14. Onuralp SEZER € 191.60 for the travel by Plane (Samsun - Basel)
15. Patrick Uiterwijk €56,48 for plane (Amsterdam - Basel)
16. Gianluca Sforna 100€ (Perugia-Milan by car, then pool with robyduck and mailga)
17. Kévin Raymond 140€ by boat+train from Évian. Will try to ride till there which would make it cheaper.
18. Marina Latini (single room --> confirmed traveling with Gabriele, Robert and Gianluca by car from Milan. Please, can I have a single room? :)
19. A UK ambassador
20. Drabo Constantin
21. Jaroslav Reznik same as Jiri/Miro, btw. consider me as low prio


Accommodation + Dinner: ~$2700

Travel Costs: ~$2500

Total: $5200

Agenda (Draft)

  • Forecast Budget for EMEA 2014
  • Events in EMEA 2014
    • Events
    • Event owner
    • Booth personal
  • Ambassador Program in EMEA
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  • Registration open till ......................

Some photos of the FAD event

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