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Fedora KDE Desktop WG Governance

This document describes the governing structure for the Fedora KDE Desktop Working Group.


The Fedora KDE Desktop Working Group has 10 voting members, with one member acting as the liaison to the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.

The FESCo liaison is always a member of the decision making group for the Working Group. The liaison is responsible for presenting the WG decisions and summary of WG discussions to FESCo on a regular basis. They will also take feedback or requirements from FESCo back to the WG. The liaison is not required to be a FESCo member, but should be able to regularly attend the FESCo meetings.

Members of the Working Group are chosen by the Working Group as seats become available. In the event that a current member relinquishes their seat, the Working Group will fill the seat by selecting a candidate and approving by majority consensus. Eligible candidates must be in the FPCA+1 group. The Working Group is highly encouraged to seek out candidates that have been showing persistent and high quality contribution to KDE technology.

Current Members

  • Rex Dieter (FESCo Liaison) (rdieter)
  • Lukáš Tinkl (ltinkl)
  • Dan Vrátil (dvratil)
  • Jaroslav Řezník (jreznik)
  • Martin Bříza (mbriza)
  • Luigi Toscano (tosky)
  • Pino Toscano (pinotree)
  • Kevin Kofler (Kevin_Kofler)
  • Jan Grulich (jgrulich)
  • Siddharth Sharma (siddharth)

Making Decisions

Our decisions will be made through voting during the regular weekly meetings. Members of the WG are encouraged to put the vote subjects in the meeting agenda list. A member will put forth an official proposal by prefixing a summary of such with "Proposal:" and WG members will vote as above. Results will be recorded and posted in the meeting minutes.

For bigger issues, where there may be disagreement, or where there is long-term impact, or where an action may not easily be undone, we will put forth a formal proposal on the mailing list with a "[Proposal for Vote] header in the email Subject: field. Working group members can vote +1 to approve, -1 to disagree, or 0 to abstain; a majority vote is necessary for a measure to pass with abstain votes not being included in the count. Members have one week to record their votes on an official proposal. Members who do not vote within the voting period implicitly abstain. Non-members may comment on the item and (of course) discuss on the mailing list, but are asked to refrain from putting votes on official proposal threads.

Changing these Rules

This document will be approved by consensus of the initial Working Group members and approved by FESCo. After initial ratification, any substantive changes can be approved by majority vote and sent to FESCo for acceptance.