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Revision as of 14:05, 18 February 2011 by Lroudier (talk | contribs) (The goal of this howto is to install a mail server based on cyrus with a webmail based on horde (version 4))
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This page is a draft only
It is still under construction and content may change. Do not rely on the information on this page.

== Summary The goal of this howto is to install a mail server based on cyrus with a webmail based on horde (version 4)

Inside the server the different component

== Initialisation and pre requis Open a terminal and connect as Root and used-it for all different operation

su -

First operation to do is to install all the loads from repository (fedora and rpmfusion)

yum install httpd horde imp ingo kronolith turba mysql-server  php-mysql 389-ds 389-ds-base 389-ds-console policycoreutils-gui cyrus-imapd cyrus-imapd-utils cyrus-sasl-ldap postfix fetchmail aspell php-pear-MDB2-Driver-mysql php-pear-Mail-mimeDecode php-pear-Date-Holidays php-pear-HTTP-Request php-idn php-libpuzzle php-facedetect php-pecl-imagick php-pecl-geoip php-pecl-lzf php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-pear-Services-Weather php-pear-Net-DNS openssl mod_ssl

Define in “/etc/php.ini“ the value of date.timezone. If you don’t do that you will a lot of error in the http log (for example : date.timezone = Europe/Paris)

Change SELINUX right to authorise external connection: TBD (for the moment deactivate by using IHM TBD)

We will consider in the next part of the document the different password