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Fedora will be exhibiting at LinuxFest NorthWest

What, When, Where

LinuxFest NorthWest (LFNW) 2018

LinuxFest Northwest (LFNW) 2018 is the 19th annual premier Linux event in the northwestern U.S. Two days of Linux related talks, exhibition space for clubs and vendors, after-fest event on Saturday and the World Famous Raffle. About 2000 people attended in 2015.


The event is free but you will need a badge to get into events, so register online and you can pick up your badge at the Friday Night Party.

Fedora Focus

Choose Freedom. Choose Fedora.



Session Proposals are due March 1st Submit your presentation

Fedora: Where We Are and Where We're Going Adam Williamson


Our booth visitors can generate a pass phrase with dice and the word lists, to receive a Fedora logo dice.

Guests can use ARM single board computers to enter comments and questions about Fedora.

Fedora Python Classroom Lab will be featured

The OLPC will show Pippy for Fedora Loves Python or games for younger guests.


Friday booth setup 3PM to 5PM. Saturday and Sunday Exhibition hall open from 9AM to 5PM.

Who Fri Sat Sun Comments
Jeff Sandys X X X Event Owner Staying at the Hampton Inn
Jeff Fitzmaurice X X X Staying at the Hampton Inn
Adam Williamson X X
John Dulaney X
Laura Abbott X

Event artifacts


Item Budget Bucket Comments Actual
Sponsorship $500 Ambassador Tier I, 10 ft table $1500
Swag $400 Ambassador 300 Logo Dice $165
Printing $100 Ambassador XKCD poster, word list booklets and passphrase record cards
Shipping $150 Ambassador event box and banners, Round Trip L.A.
Total $1150 Ambassador

[http:// Budget ticket]


Design ticket for Fedora logo dice Fedora dice sample

Ticket for LFNW2017 badge LFNW 2017 badge

Table Placards Fedora Loves Python on OLPC Diceware Instructions Security Lab Info

XKCD Passphrase graphic

EFF Word Lists Large wordlist Large cover short1 wordlist Short1 cover short2 wordlist Short2 cover

Passphrase record cards (business card size) Diceware card

Open Source Cybersecurity Playbook

Hlacker Highschool Workbooks and Study Guides]


Jan 5 Call for Presentations post

Travel Subsidy Requests

No travel subsidies were requested.

Travel Subsidy Requests
Each attendee requesting travel subsidies for the event should be listed here including the information requested in Sponsoring Event Attendees.