From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 19:46, 12 May 2010 by Rbergero (talk | contribs) (added admon note, not done yet people!)

The Marketing Plan serves as the foundation and guide for all the activities that Marketing does. Each section of the plan contains high-level objectives. The per-cycle deliverables and individual projects that the Marketing team executes should be supporting one (or more) sections of the plan.

The current marketing plan for the Fedora 13 cycle can be found here.

For more information on how the Marketing Plan has evolved, see the Marketing Plan background.

This page is still a work in progress - hopefully to be done before F14 launch.

Marketing Plan Information

This page is a template.

This page is a template. It should be copied to a wiki page with the structure of Fx(cycle#)_Marketing_plan at the beginning of each Fedora Cycle. The process described in the Marketing Life Cycle describes how existing deliverables persist in the Marketing Plan (and added to this template), and new ideas / projects should be on-ramped through the individual cycle's Marketing Plan, and possible made permanent to the marketing plan template at the end of the cycle via the Marketing_postmortem process.

Reference Documents

The following documents can help you get acquainted with the marketing plan, and how it works.

  • Marketing life cycle - describes how permanent deliverables are measured, how new ideas becomes part of the permanent set of marketing deliverables, and how each cycle's postmortem analysis ... something something.

What are the goals of a marketing plan?

    • Who is this plan for?
      • Members (current and new) of the Fedora Marketing team
      • Members of the Fedora Project who want to understand how the Fedora Marketing team is using resources (people, time...)
    • Who is it addressing?

User base of tomorrow

This has already been defined. From

  1. Voluntary switcher
  2. Computer-friendly
  3. Likely collaborator
  4. General productivity user

Marketing Plan Template


  • Inform the voluntary switchers
  • Easy to find answers to questions
  • Highlight spins that show unique use cases

Build bridges

  • Support
  • Feedback from users to devs
  • Questions from devs to users (surveys)
  • Build positive dev support/feedback opportunities

Spread the brand

  • 4 Foundations are good -- use them!
  • Success stories/examples of each
  • Ambassadors communicate to focused audiences
    • Design schools
    • CS departments
    • Downstream conferences
  • Social networking

Build on-ramps

  • Fedora-tour
  • EasyFix
  • Engineering services queue
  • How to file a bug, check/add to wiki page or other outlets