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Revision as of 23:59, 11 February 2011 by Rombobeorn (talk | contribs) (_GNAT_project_dir)

Packaging of Ada programs


This document describes all there is to know about Ada in Fedora.


Ada programs in Fedora MUST be compiled using the default Ada compiler in Fedora gcc-gnat. As usual, standard Fedora optimization flags %{optflags} MUST be used in the compilation. If possible project SHOULD have makefile and configure script

Files placing

  • All Ada include files '*.adb' and '*.ads' MUST be placed in the standard include directory: either directly in %{_includedir}, or if headers have general names or upstream recommends having an own directory, in e.g. %{_includedir}/%{name}.
  • GNAT projects files MUST be placed in the %{_GNAT_project_dir} directory or a subdirectory thereof. A subdirectory, for example %{_GNAT_project_dir}/%{name}, may be a good idea if there are lots of project files in the same package or if they have generic names. Otherwise they should usually be placed directly in %{_GNAT_project_dir}.
The current value of %{_GNAT_project_dir} is /usr/lib/gnat. We intend to change it to /usr/share/gpr, which is more in line with FHS, if we can get GNAT to use that directory.
  • Ada Library Information '*.ali' files SHOULD reside in %{libdir}/%{name}/*.ali.

Rpmlint and Ada packages

Rpmlint is a program that checks packages for common problems. For ada packages, some of the rpmlint messages, such as "executable-stack", can be disregarded. gcc because Ada and Pascal nested functions do not use trampolines.

Devel packages

  • Ada packages MUST package Ada specification files (*.ads), Ada body files (*.adb), Ada Library information (*.ali) and GNAT project (*.gpr) files in -devel package.
  • The -devel package MUST depend on fedora-gnat-common package
  • The -devel package MUST provide all source files (specs and bodies) necessary for compilation of code that uses the library. The -devel package MUST depends on fedora-gnat-project-common package
  • The directory with all Ada source files MUST NOT contain any Makefiles or any other files that might be necessary to recompile the library.
  • The -devel package SHOULD NOT provide any *.o files.
  • Ada Library information
The -devel package SHOULD provide Ada Library Information (*.ali) files that gcc-gnat creates when compiling the shared (relocatable, not static) library.
  • GNAT project file
The -devel package for each library SHOULD provide a GNAT project file named %{_GNAT_project_dir}/%{name}.gpr.