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Revision as of 18:30, 23 October 2017 by Searchsam (talk | contribs) (→‎Attendees)
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RPM Packaging WorkShop in "Fundación Zamora Teran"

Event Details

Basic Information

"Fundación Zamora Teran" promotes the One Laptop Per Child project in Nicaragua, the XO computers have a operative system based in Fedora, with this workshop we want to focus in packaging Sugar apps as RPM packages.

Benefits to Fedora Project

"Fundación Zamora Teran" is working to develop new apps for Sugar, since the XO computers use Fedora as base for theirs operative system learning how to package Sugar apps as RPM benefits boths projects:

  • The Fedora Project can include new apps in its software repository.
  • The Fedora Project can find new packagers to help to maintain Sugar apps in the software repository.
  • "Fundación Zamora Teran" will be able to distribute Sugar apps as RPM packages.


Saturday, 28th October 2017, at 8:00 AM


Centro de Innovación de la Fundación Zamora Terán Address: de la Super intendencia de banco (SIBOIF), una cuadra al sur 45 vrs al oeste.


No Theme Time Expositor
1 Introduction to the Fedora Project 8:30 - 9:00
2 Open Source Licenses 9:00 - 9:30 William Moreno
3 Coffe Break 9:30 - 9:45 -
4 RPM Packaging WorkShop 9:45 - 12:00 William Moreno


Fundación Zamora Teran


No Item Amount
1 Pizza U$ 40.00
2 Drinks U$ 10.00
3 Cookies U$ 10.00
- Total U$ 60.00

See this ticket

Event Owner



Will be published after the event.