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Revision as of 13:53, 19 August 2009 by Jlaska (talk | contribs) (Fix wiki ordered list)


This test case tests the functionality of the ABRT feature using the Bugzilla plugin.

How to test

  1. If you don't have an account on the bugzilla, create one.
  2. Edit /etc/abrt/abrt.conf to enable and activate the Bugzilla plugin. A sample config is noted below
    # common abrt settings
    [ Common ]
    # enabled plugins
    # there has to be exactly one database plugin
    EnabledPlugins = Bugzilla, Mailx, SQLite3, CCpp, Logger, Kerneloops, KerneloopsScanner, KerneloopsReporter, Python
    # reporters association with analyzers
    [ AnalyzerActionsAndReporters ]
    CCpp = Mailx, Bugzilla, Logger
    Python = Mailx, Bugzilla, Logger
  3. Edit ~/.abrt/Bugzilla.conf and make sure the configuration is valid. Insert your bugzilla username and password
    BugzillaURL =
    NoSSLVerify = yes
    #enter your login here
    Login =
    #enter your password here
    Password =
  4. Optionally, you may set up the username and password using abrt-gui. Launch abrt-gui and select Edit -> Preferences -> Enable Bugzilla -> Configure plugin. Once complete, confirm that ~/.abrt/Bugzilla.conf lists the information supplied.
  5. Restart ABRT:
    # service abrt restart
  6. Ensure that the abrt and abrt-applet processes are both running
  7. Kill a running process: kill -SIGSEGV (pid). It must be a process that is part of a signed Fedora package
  8. Click on the panel applet to start abrt-gui
  9. Select the entry matching the recently crashed application, click Report
  10. At the report window, click Send

Expected Results

  1. A popup message should say: "Bugzilla:"
  2. A bug entry should be filled in the Bugzilla, the entry should be assigned to the package you crashed.
  3. Now it might be a good idea to close the entry in Bugzilla since this "crash" was intended failured and produced by us, so, package maintained won't get upset by a bunch of bogus crashes.