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Revision as of 15:35, 26 February 2009 by Jlaska (talk | contribs) (Created Logger Test)
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This test case tests the functionality of the Crash Catcher feature using the Logger plugin.

How to test

  1. Edit /etc/crash-catcher/crash-catcher.conf to enable and activate the Logger plugin. A sample config is noted below
# Enable GPG check
EnableOpenGPG = no
# GPG keys
OpenGPGPublicKeys = /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora
# blacklisted packages
BlackList = bash, bind, apache2
# enabled plugins
EnabledPlugins = SQLite3, CCpp, Mailx, Logger
# selected DB plugin
Database = SQLite3
# reporters association
CCpp = Logger, Mailx

  1. Ensure that the crash-catcher and cc-applet processes are both running
  2. Kill a running process: kill -SIGSEGV (pid). It must be a process that is part of a signed Fedora package
  3. Click on the panel applet to start cc-gui
  4. Select the entry matching the recently crashed application, select Foward
  5. At the

Expected Results

  1. The cc-applet system tray icon should start to flash
  2. Clicking on the icon should give you an option to open a GUI
  3. The GUI should let you select and report the crash
  4. A crash log will be reported by the Logger plugin into /var/log/crash-catcher-logger