From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 08:02, 22 August 2016 by Mildew (talk | contribs)


This test case tests Package-x-generic-16.pngkernel using the kernel regression test suite. For details about the test suite, see


  1. Ensure the Package-x-generic-16.pnggcc, Package-x-generic-16.pnggit and Package-x-generic-16.pngpython-fedora packages are installed
  2. Clone the kernel-tests repository:
    $ git clone
  3. Configure automatic submission of the test results and your FAS username:
    $ cp config.example .config
    $ vim .config

    Look for lines with "submit=" and "username=" and set these settings to "submit=authenticated" and "username=<your FAS login>".

How to test

  1. Run the default test suite:
    $ sudo ./
  2. Run the performance test suite:
    $ sudo ./ -t performance

Expected Results

  1. Both runs of the test suite should result in PASS.