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Revision as of 10:58, 18 September 2012 by Derekh (talk | contribs) (replace euca commands)


Launch an instance on OpenStack.


Optionally include information on preparing the test environment

  1. Follow QA:Testcase_register_images_with_OpenStack

How to test

Launch an instance of one of the images downloaded and registered in the previous test case.

$> . ./keystonerc
$> nova boot --image $(nova image-list | grep ami-tty | awk '{print $2}') --flavor 1 --key_name nova_key testvm

Expected Results

Verify that the instance has started.

$>  nova list
|                  ID                  |   Name   | Status |     Networks     |
| a47a424a-014b-4b81-97e6-b34d31b5589d | Server 1 | ACTIVE | testnet= |

It may take a while to transition from the BUILD to the ACTIVE state, as reported by 'nova list'

If the instance goes into the ERROR state, then check the nova-compute logs for errors:

$> grep ERROR /var/log/nova/compute.log

Confirm the VM running with virsh:

$> sudo virsh list
 Id Name                 State
 1 instance-00000001    running

Get console output and ensure instance is fully started

$> nova console-log --length 100 <instanceid>

Try SSH-ing into the instance:

$> ssh -i nova_key.priv -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null root@

Check for new errors in the logs:

$> grep -i error /var/log/nova/*.log


  • We use /dev/null for known hosts because the fingerprints associated with these IPs will change when you start over with your testing; updating known hosts gets annoying
  • You've probably got a stale dnsmasq process around if you see:
dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for Address already in use