From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 01:11, 9 April 2010 by Rlandmann (talk | contribs)

The Fedora Documentation Project maintains the XML source for most Fedora documentation in git repositories on Generally, each repo contains a "master" branch that contains a working copy of the document, and a set of branches for various Fedora releases. The version of the XML in these branches is stable, and forms the basis for translations by the Fedora Localization Project. We do not generally make incremental changes to the XML in stable branches because to do so would break translations. Instead, corrections and improvements to the doc are made in the "master" branch.

Nevertheless, we sometimes need to change the XML in a stable branch:

  • between the time a document is branched for translation (usually during the Alpha phase of a release) and the GA release. Details can change between Alpha, Beta, and GA, and we try to keep our documentation up-to-date with these changes.
  • when a serious error or omission is found in documentation, particularly one that could lead a user to lose data, make a system inaccessible, or expose a system to a serious security risk.

In each case, you should discuss proposed changes with the Localization Team before making those changes. You should indicate a firm timeframe for the changes, so that translators can avoid the risk of edit conflicts when you update the PO files.

Once you have obtained permission from Localization, you will need to update the XML, POT files, and PO files in the stable branch.

Always make changes in the "master" branch first. The contents of the XML files in stable branches such as the "f21" branch should reflect that of the files in the "master" branch.


In the root directory of the checked-out document (the one that contains the publican.cfg file):

0.1 Change into the master branch

git checkout master

0.2 Make sure that your master branch is up to date:

git pull

0.3 Make sure that you have a local copy of the stable branch that you need to change, for example:

git branch --track f21 origin/f21

0.4 Change into the stable branch

git checkout f21

0.5 Make sure that the stable branch is up to date:

git pull

0.6 Make sure that your Publican installation is the latest version

sudo yum update publican*

Updating stable content