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Revision as of 18:54, 8 November 2019 by Adamwill (talk | contribs) (revise and expand the EC2 instructions)

Cloud Provider Setup

Expand one of the sections below for instructions on getting set up to run these testcases on a specific provider. More information can be found in the Fedora Cloud guide.

Amazon EC2

  1. Get an AWS account (the approval process can take hours)
  2. Make sure that your security group allows for SSH (default tcp port 22)
  3. Log in to the AWS Management Console
  4. Obtain the AMI id of the newest Fedora image from
  5. Search for and select the desired AMI on the IMAGES/AMIs section of the EC2 console
  6. Launch an instance with the AMI under test

Amazon provided this information on various instance types that may be useful to test, in August 2019. Note that you can use 750 hours per month on a t2.micro instance (which is Xen-based) for the first year; other instance types, and t2.micro after the first year, cost money. To avoid costs, you can contact the the Infrastructure team and request access to Fedora's AWS account for testing purposes, per this SOP.

    1. x86 platforms
  • Xen domU with only PV interfaces (e.g., M3 instances)
  • Xen domU with Intel 82599 virtual functions for Enhanced Networking (e.g., C3 instances running in a VPC)
  • Xen domU with Enhanced Networking Adapter (e.g., R4 instances)
  • Xen domU with NVMe local instance storage (e.g., virtualized I3 instances)
  • Xen domU with more than 32 vCPUs (e.g., c4.8xlarge)
  • Xen domU with four NUMA nodes (e.g., x1.32xlarge)
  • Xen domU with maximum RAM available in EC2 (x1e.32xlarge)
  • KVM guest with consistent performance (e.g., c5.large)
  • KVM guest with burstable performance (e.g., t3.large)
  • KVM guest with local NVMe storage (e.g., c5d.large)
  • KVM guest with 100 Gbps networking and Elastic Fabric Adapter (c5n.18xlarge)
  • KVM guest on AMD processors (e.g., m5a.large)
  • KVM guest on AMD processors with maximum NUMA nodes (e.g., m5a.24xlarge)
  • Bare metal Broadwell (i3.metal)
  • Bare metal Skylake (m5.metal)
  • Bare metal Cascade Lake (c5.metal)
    1. Arm platforms
  • KVM guest on Arm with 1 CPU cluster (a1.xlarge)
  • KVM guest on Arm with 2 CPU clusters (a1.2xlarge)
  • KVM guest on Arm with 4 CPU clusters (a1.4xlarge)


  1. Use your own OpenStack deployment
  2. Provide or create an SSH keypair
  3. Make sure that your security group allows for SSH (default tcp port 22)
  4. Log in to the Horizon dashboard
  5. Find the image URL at or as provided in release candidate documents.
  6. Add the image to OpenStack, either using the OpenStack web dashboard (see step 4 here) or with glance image-create --name "Fedora version" --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --is-public true --copy-from url
  7. Launch the instance (in the dashboard, under the "Images" heading, click the "Launch" button for the appropriate image

Testcloud Local

  1. See Local Test Cloud Installation Guide for instructions on installing and running a testcloud virtual instance.
  2. Once SSH'ed into the virtual cloud instance, you can perform the tests below. NOTE: testcloud will work with both Fedora Cloud and Atomic images.