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Revision as of 19:52, 23 September 2015 by Adamwill (talk | contribs) (dnf doesn't have --advisory. erf.)

Template documentation [edit]

This documentation is transcluded from Template:Common bugs update testing/doc. It will not be transcluded on pages that use this template.
This template is used for issues listed on Common Bugs pages, when a candidate update is available for the issue in updates-testing.
Update available for testing
A candidate fix for this issue has been submitted to the updates-testing repository for testing. Users experiencing this problem are encouraged to test this update and report to Bodhi whether it solves the problem. To test the update, run this command: su -c 'yum --enablerepo=updates-testing update --advisory=ADVISORY'. On Fedora 22 and later, you should run su -c 'dnf install yum' and then su -c 'yum-deprecated --enablerepo=updates-testing update --advisory=ADVISORY'