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Carlos Vassalo

Personal informations

  • 38 years old
  • Chennevières sur Marne - France
  • Network administrator - Paris

Contact me

  • Mail : opossum1er AT fedoraproject DOT org
  • IRC : opossum1er on #fedora-fr and #fedora-paris

About me

I am a fedora Ambassador

My first linux (1997) was a Slackware 3.3 and RedHat 4.2 (Biltmore). I used it up to 9 (Shrike). Afterwards, I worked with various distros like SuSE, debian and similars, distros based on RedHat like Mandrake/Mandriva and finally LFS. When Fedora Core 1 was released, I tried it and I felt I had found "the" distro.

Since beginning of 2007, I provide support on fedora-fr and I participate on various events like release parties, etc...

I participate actively at the fedora | Paris meetings. The aim of this group is to enable parisien fedoristas to meet each other and to have dinner every two weeks.

Since February 2009, I became Vice-Treasure of the Fedora-fr NPO.

About fedora Paris
Everybody can participate. Please contact us on IRC #fedora-paris