Sending an email to a stranger in tech. (slide reads: “on sending an email to a stranger in tech”) Kyle (straight to audience. single light.) (like an awkward introduction at a job interview. exasperated:) Hi. I’m Kyle. I’m new here. I want to get better at this technology thing. Can you help me? You seem like you could help me. (beat.) ’cause I need a lot of help. (ding sound. beat. overly formal:) Hello. My name is Kyle R. Conway. I have a PhD … in Fine Arts … and you do art … and so do I … but you also do tech things … tech things with art. I would like to do what you do. May I join you? (extends hand for handshake. beat. wide eyes. beat. more intense.) (ding sound. beat. casual:) Hey, tech blogger. I really liked your post about unpackaged fonts with permissive licenses. I think that’s really cool. (ding sound. beat. rapid-fire round. cheeky:) Howdy! (ding sound. beat. Irish:) Dia duit! (ding sound. beat. concerned:) I promise I’m not a creepy stranger. (ding sound. beat. intense:) I. Am. Your. Biggest. Fan. (gong sound. rubbing eyes. honest:) This is never going to work. (quick fade. slide reads: “Kyle’s actual first email to a stranger in tech.”) Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 11:36 PM> Máirín, Would the “Nina” font meet the criteria for inclusion? Thanks, KYLE (slide reads: “Thanks for writing back, Máirín”)