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Alex Lancaster
Mainly interested in packaging bioinformatics tools for Fedora. Member of SciTech SIG.
- List of packages I own from PackageDB
- Specs and SRPMs for packages-in-review on
- Fedora Account System: alexlan
- I am also an RPM Fusion maintainer.
Useful links
- My Watchlist
- Common Rpmlint issues , Packaging:Python , Packaging:Perl, Packaging:Perl , NewPackageProcess , Infrastructure/UpdatesSystem/Bodhi-info-DRAFT, Branch Freeze Policy
- Track my Perl CPAN packages upstream:
- RPM macros and conditional builds:
Bioinformatics packages
In repository
- bioperl (review request ), bioperl-run (review request ) [in repo] and dependencies:
- (Note that the below were based upon packages originally submitted by HunterMatthews that were reviewed and approved but never built)
- perl-SVG (review request ) [in repo]
- perl-GD-SVG (review request ) [in repo]
- perl-XML-Writer (review request ) [in repo]
- perl-Text-Shellwords (review request ) [in repo]
- perl-Graph (review request ) [in repo]
- (These are newly packaged by me:)
- perl-Math-Derivative (review request ) [in repo]
- perl-Math-Spline (review request ) [in repo]
- perl-Convert-Binary-C (review request ) [in repo]
- perl-XML-XPathEngine (review request ) [in repo]
- perl-XML-DOM-XPath (review request ) [in repo]
- perl-SVG-Graph (review request ) [in repo]
- perl-Post
Script (review request ) [in repo]
- perl-Data-Stag (review request ) [in repo]
- perl-Ace
Perl (review request ) [in repo]
- perl-Bio-ASN1-Entrez
Gene (review request ) [in repo]
- perl-AutoClass (review request ) [in repo]
- (Note other deps originally by Hunter: perl-Heap, perl-MIME-Lite, perl-SOAP-Lite were not orphaned, but picked up by other maintainers)
- perl-Bio-Graphics (review request) [in repo] formerly part of bioperl, now a standalone CPAN module as of bioperl 1.6.
- biopython (review request ) [in repo]
- wise2 (review request ) [in repo]
- PyPop - Python for Population Genomics (I am the primary upstream developer) (review request) [in repo]
In review queue
To be packaged
- Swarm - agent-based modelling toolkit
Other packages
- picard (MusicBrainz tagger) (review request ) [in repo]
- libdiscid - dependency for libmusicbrainz/python-musicbrainz2 and also used for picard (review request ) [in repo]
- ESS : Emacs Speaks Statistics (emacs-ess) Emacs add-on package to interface with the statistical packages R, amongst others. (review request ) [in repo]
- bibus bibliography manager for Open (review request ) [in repo]
- latex2emf (review request ), small package to generate an EMF file from LaTeX source, prerequisite for OOoLaTeX extension (see below) [in repo]
- OOoLatex (review request ) Extension for to permit the entering and rendering of LaTeX equations directly in Draw/Impress documents. Depends on libEMF. [in repo]
Ready for review
Other packages I'm interested in maintaining, or helping to maintain
- SAGE: the open-source computer algebra/mathematics framework (this is a huge package with many dependencies and will require work from multiple maintainers).
- Bioconductor: bioinformatics packages for R. Many of these packages are now included in Fedora, Pingou is trying to make this a Feature.
- E-Cell: GPL-licensed cell simulator for systems biology