From Fedora Project Wiki

Bruno Ibraheem
Personal Information
Home: MS, Brazil
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: brunoibraheem
Miscellaneous Information
Private Mail:
IRC: brunoibraheem on Libera.Chat, in:
Badges (16)
Paranoid Panda Let Me Introduce Myself Egg Junior Badger (Badger I) Embryo Involvement White Rabbit Crypto Panda Junior Editor Tadpole Mugshot Adult Frog Ambassador Origin Tadpole with Legs Froglet

About me

Hi, world! Welcome to my personal page of the Fedora Project. I'm cyberjurist, Digital Law specialist, FLOSS activist (free/libre/open-source software), user and enthusiast of the Fedora operating system, the Free Internet, the cyberdemocracy, the cybercitizenship and a vehement critical of the intellectual property. I do researches approaching the relationship between Free Software and the Public Administration, as well as all the juridical implications of the development of open source technologies.

Also I'm a member of the Software Association in Brazil (ASL) and a Free Software diffuser in my region. Currently I work as Administrative Contracts Manager and others similar public juridical instruments at the Department of Bidding and Purchasing, in the Finance, Administration and Planning Secretary, in the Municipality of Sidrolândia, Mato Grosso do Sul state.


  • Fedora Account: brunoibraheem
  • Email:
  • IRC: brunoibraheem
  • Twitter: @brunoibraheem
  • Country: Brazil

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