This is a collection of points that come to mind for CPAN authors, by Fedora Perl packagers.
ExtUtils::MakeMaker, Module::Build or Module::Install?
It really doesn't matter to us; cpanspec and CPANPLUS::Dist::RPM both know how to deal with all three of these.
Module::Install does have the advantage of being able to mark requires as being build_requires or test_requires. This may come in handy at some point.
Declare all your deps, even core and testing!
The core Perl package has been splitting off "development" modules into sub-packages of their own for the last several Fedora releases. It's not safe to assume that, say, Test::More is installed on a system.
Clearly mark author tests as such
We try to not run author tests (e.g. bits like Test::Kwalitee, Test::Pod::Coverage, etc), but when they're not marked as such, oftimes they are. Using a requirement like "TEST_AUTHOR must be set for author tests" and skipping, or Module::Install::ExtraTests, helps us understand which is which -- and even better, helps our automated build and packaging tools skip these without any manual intervention.