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Fedora Comp-Neuro Lab

A plethora of Free/Open source computational modelling tools for Neuroscience in one easy to use downloadable image! Download, install (or don't!) and get down to work!

The NeuroFedora team has developed the Comp-Neuro lab specially to enable computational neuroscience. It includes everything you will need to get your work done—modelling software, analysis tools, general productivity tools—all well integrated with the modern GNOME platform to give you a complete operating system.

Featured Applications


A simulation environment for detailed modelling of individual neurons and networks of neurons.


A highly flexible and extensible simulator for modelling spiking neural networks.


Model subcellular components, biochemical reactions, complex models of single neurons, and networks.


Simulate stochastic chemical computations, multicompartment single-neuron models, and spiking neuron network models.


A Python package for simulator-independent specification of neuronal network models.


Develop, simulate, parallelize, analyze, and optimize biological neuronal networks using the NEURON simulator.

تحميل Fedora Comp-Neuro Lab 40

تاريخ الإصدار: الثلاثاء، ٢٣ أبريل ٢٠٢٤

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Fedora Comp-Neuro Lab 40Live ISOiso2.9 GiB

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