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== Background ==
* John Poelstra  is not a subject matter expert, but has agreed to help facilitate the meetings and track progress, etc. after being asked by some of the other participants
* The Zikula CMS will be a replacement for
** marketing is very interested too, as a possibe use as backend for $foobar that we're looking to get going in the next 3/4 months
* ''Go Live'' target is 2009-08-18 (Post Alpha Release Notes to wiki)
== Module Packaging ==
* There should be blocker bugs for all the modules and such
** blocker bugs are short term focus
* Targeting completion of all ''non-sponsor-needed'' modules by next Wednseday, July 15, 2009
** '''OWNER''': ke4qqqj
** '''FOLLOW-UP''': Next meeting
== Other Tasks For Go Live ==
* 2-3 fedora-specific modules that zikula guys have done for us (mainly itbegins) we need to get source code for those in fedorahosted - and get those packaged in the infra repos.
** the theme, the FASAuth and the docs publishing module
** docs publishing module is incomplete
* Tracking of other modules needs to be added to bugzilla
** '''ACTION''': Sparks
* itbegins will email code to ke4qqq for import and packaging
** '''ACTION''': itbegins & ke4qqq
* we need to create the puppet manifests--infrastructure will probably want to audit all of that, including the code ( abadger1999 has already done a ton of that and found problems)
* we need a decent testinstance running that we can beat on (that's generated by puppet, not installed by hand)
** '''OUTSTANDING''': No owner identified
* we need to work on publishing everything in test and get that incantation squared away
** '''OUTSTANDING''': No owner identified
* '''ACTION''': ke4qqq to work out hashing problem with itbegins re: a php4 v php5 issue
* we'll need art/design/websites help and blessing
** '''OUTSTANDING''': No owners identified
== Next Meeting Time ==
* Wednesday, July 15, 2009 @ 15:00 UTC
* itbegins (Simon) will not be able to attend, but he will read the logs and in a couple weeks should have a clearer schedule
* We will continue meeting at this time and day until we decide to change it
== Bot Logs ==
* < fedbot> Minutes:
* < fedbot> Minutes (text):
* < fedbot> Log:  
== IRC Log ==
|- id="t15:00:33"
|- id="t15:00:33"

Revision as of 22:52, 8 July 2009


  • John Poelstra is not a subject matter expert, but has agreed to help facilitate the meetings and track progress, etc. after being asked by some of the other participants
  • The Zikula CMS will be a replacement for
    • marketing is very interested too, as a possibe use as backend for $foobar that we're looking to get going in the next 3/4 months
  • Go Live target is 2009-08-18 (Post Alpha Release Notes to wiki)

Module Packaging

  • There should be blocker bugs for all the modules and such
  • Targeting completion of all non-sponsor-needed modules by next Wednseday, July 15, 2009
    • OWNER: ke4qqqj
    • FOLLOW-UP: Next meeting

Other Tasks For Go Live

  • 2-3 fedora-specific modules that zikula guys have done for us (mainly itbegins) we need to get source code for those in fedorahosted - and get those packaged in the infra repos.
    • the theme, the FASAuth and the docs publishing module
    • docs publishing module is incomplete
  • Tracking of other modules needs to be added to bugzilla
    • ACTION: Sparks
  • itbegins will email code to ke4qqq for import and packaging
    • ACTION: itbegins & ke4qqq
  • we need to create the puppet manifests--infrastructure will probably want to audit all of that, including the code ( abadger1999 has already done a ton of that and found problems)
  • we need a decent testinstance running that we can beat on (that's generated by puppet, not installed by hand)
    • OUTSTANDING: No owner identified
  • we need to work on publishing everything in test and get that incantation squared away
    • OUTSTANDING: No owner identified
  • ACTION: ke4qqq to work out hashing problem with itbegins re: a php4 v php5 issue
  • we'll need art/design/websites help and blessing
    • OUTSTANDING: No owners identified

Next Meeting Time

  • Wednesday, July 15, 2009 @ 15:00 UTC
  • itbegins (Simon) will not be able to attend, but he will read the logs and in a couple weeks should have a clearer schedule
  • We will continue meeting at this time and day until we decide to change it

Bot Logs


Sparks #startmeeting 15:00
Sparks #chair poelcat 15:00
Sparks #topic Zikula CMS Solution Meeting 15:00
Sparks poelcat: go 15:00
Sparks :) 15:00
* ianweller 15:01
* Sparks is here 15:01
poelcat who else is here? 15:01
* JonRob 15:01
* ke4qqq is here 15:01
* ianweller *just* woke up so is still a little... wonked out 15:01
* poelcat knows the feeling :) 15:01
* Sparks thinks ianweller is always a little wonked out 15:01
poelcat does anyone know Simon's nick? 15:02
* laubersm is lurking but not 100% paying attention 15:02
Sparks itbegins 15:02
rjune poelcat: 15:02
* ke4qqq waves at laubersm - long time no see 15:02
poelcat # topic Introduction 15:03
ianweller (no space between # and topic) 15:03
poelcat #topic Introduction 15:03
poelcat a couple of weeks back some folks asked if i would help lead a cross-team meeting to 15:04
poelcat work on getting Zikula live 15:04
poelcat obviously I said "yes" :) 15:04
poelcat i am not a subject matter expert at all, I am just here to help facilitate the meetings and track progress, etc. 15:04
poelcat so i'll need a little help with topics that need to be covered etc. 15:05
poelcat As I understand things the first usage of Zikula will be by the docs team 15:05
poelcat but in time will be rolled out for and affect other teams 15:05
* Sparks can probably help as well as ke4qqq 15:05
poelcat is that correct? 15:05
Sparks yes 15:06
* poelcat bats 1000 15:06
Sparks This will be a replacement for docs.fp.o... 15:06
Sparks and will be used by others in the same fashion later. 15:06
JonRob marketing is very interested too, as a possibe use as backend for $foobar that we're looking to get going in the next 3/4 months 15:06
JonRob althoguh we're exploring all possibilities 15:07
poelcat our first topic was to set a regular meeting time, but we need Simon for that 15:07
poelcat so we'll wait and see if he appears 15:07
poelcat any more on the "intro" ? 15:07
* Sparks thought mizmo would be here to discuss artwork and design... 15:08
poelcat ianweller is covering that 15:08
Sparks cool 15:08
poelcat #topic Module Packaging Status 15:08
poelcat so as I understand things we can't go live with zikula until it is fully packaged 15:08
poelcat is there a wiki page tracking progress on this? 15:09
poelcat or a tracker bug? 15:09
Sparks there is a bug ticket... 15:09
* Sparks goes to find it 15:09
itbegins hello everyone 15:09
itbegins sorry I am late, got help up 15:09
poelcat itbegins: welcome 15:09
Sparks #link 15:10
buggbot Bug 504066: medium, high, ---, david, ASSIGNED, CMS for 15:10
ianweller that's the tracker right? 15:10
Sparks Yes 15:10
Sparks There should be blockers against it for all the modules and such. 15:10
poelcat do all of the bugs have to be closed to go live? 15:11
* Sparks counts fourteen tickets blocking it. 15:11
ke4qqq yes and some that aren't even open yet 15:11
* ricky is here, sorry 15:11
poelcat are these bugs just for incomplete packaging requsts or there are other TODOs? 15:12
mizmo im here 15:12
ianweller mizmo: :) 15:12
Sparks ke4qqq: Can we create task tickets for those items that haven't been opened? 15:12
poelcat IOW where would other teams file RFEs and other needs? 15:12
Sparks poelcat: There are TODOs and Packaging requests 15:12
ke4qqq they are not-yet-tackled package reviews from my standpoint 15:12
ke4qqq mainly bundled libraries 15:13
* poelcat would suggest bugzillas for packaging and needed code changes... wiki task list for other things 15:13
ke4qqq though we have a ton of existing modules and dependencies waiting on reviews 15:13
poelcat ke4qqq: do we have an easy way to query them? 15:14
poelcat or is that the tracker bug? 15:14
ke4qqq the stuff that's not yet tackled?? or the stuff waiting on reviews? 15:14
poelcat both 15:14
Sparks poelcat: That's the tracker. 15:14
ke4qqq just searching for zikula in BZ shows most of the outstanding reviews - the stuff not yet tackled - not really - at least not yet. 15:15
ke4qqq part of it is that you don't know about the bundled libraries until you start looking at the stuff you are packaging 15:16
poelcat so the tracker bugs has the MUST HAVES? 15:16
* poelcat trying to get a sense of scope and what needs to be tracked/tackled 15:17
ke4qqq and if you miss it, the first notice might be when someone reviews, or when infrastructure audits the package 15:17
Sparks poelcat: I tink so 15:17
Sparks I think, too 15:17
poelcat okay, so it seems best to focus on the tracker for the near term? 15:17
* poelcat takes silence as "yes" 15:19
ke4qqq silence is assent 15:19
poelcat what is the process for clearing open bugs/package reviews? 15:19
poelcat are you actively seeking out reviewers? 15:20
Sparks We actually have reviewers that are helping us out. 15:20
Sparks So that's not so much of a problem right now. 15:20
ke4qqq I was hoping that the same group that packaged them would review them - but haven't seen that happening - I closed a few of them. 15:20
ke4qqq it isn't??? 15:20
ke4qqq have I missed something? 15:20
Sparks ke4qqq: Between ianweller and... someone... My packages have been getting regular attention. 15:21
ke4qqq ahhh yes - there are some where certain packagers need prodding (/me just looked at the reviews) 15:22
ke4qqq there are also two packages awaiting a sponsor 15:22
Sparks toshio... 15:22
Sparks You, ianweller, and toshio have been working my packages. 15:22
ke4qqq from two different people 15:23
ke4qqq those may need some attention we can't give 15:23
jds2001 gack 15:23
* jds2001 forgot about this meeting. 15:23
poelcat working backwards from the intended "go live" and when package reviews need to be done... has a go live date been selected? 15:23
ke4qqq I'd think it needs to be a few weeks before first draft of RN hits docs.fp.o 15:24
Sparks poelcat: 60 days from the FAD @ SELF was the projected time. 15:24
Sparks ke4qqq: Yes! 15:24
poelcat Sparks: is that still realistic? 15:24
ke4qqq poelcat: if we could get all of the packaging (and the outstanding licensing and bug issues) fixed in a week - it might be.... 15:25
Sparks poelcat: maybe 15:26
poelcat ke4qqq: what is percentage chance of that happening? 15:26
ke4qqq if we could as a group dedicate sometime to it this weekend, we could likely get the majority of it accomplished. The two unknowns right now are the continued licensing issue - and a hash function bug that I am running into - ohhh and the people needing sponsors 15:27
poelcat ke4qqq: what is percentage chance of that happening? 15:28
ke4qqq I'd say I'd guves us 40% 15:28
ke4qqq give even 15:28
poelcat so while it is "possible" not "probable" 15:28
poelcat ? 15:28
ke4qqq might be slightly less - some of those needing sponsors have lingered for a bit. That's a correct statement 15:29
poelcat what is the task # here that relates to the RN on docs.fp.o ? 15:29
ke4qqq 8 15:30
* poelcat notes there are no "wrong" answers here, we're just trying to figure out where were are at so we can figure out an honest end date :) 15:30
poelcat what action items/owners/dates should we set around completing this topic? 15:31
poelcat where "this topic" 15:31
poelcat = package reviews 15:31
ke4qqq I'd like to say all of the non-sponsor-needing package reviews done by this time next week - the balance we need to get the sponsees in high gear or go through the deadreview process 15:32
ke4qqq which will take a minimum of 7 days 15:32
poelcat who is responsible for that task? 15:33
Sparks ke4qqq: 15:33
poelcat so we know who to check back w/ next meeting 15:33
ke4qqq as in who is going to carry the whip - or who is doing the actual work? 15:33
poelcat ke4qqq: who is carrying the whip and can give status at our next meeting? 15:34
Sparks ke4qqq carries the whip... there are a number of others, including ke4qqq, doing the actual work 15:34
* ke4qqq spews his drpepper 15:34
Sparks what? Is it something I said? 15:34
poelcat I see my role here as helping to guide things forward from a high level, but probably not able to able to crack the whip at all of the lower levels :) 15:34
poelcat hopefully you all agree 15:35
* poelcat still isn't clear on completion date for package reviews? 15:36
ke4qqq for everything but the reviews needing sponsors the goal is next week at Wednesday no later than 11:36am 15:36
ke4qqq Eastern 15:36
ke4qqq :) 15:36
* ianweller blinks 15:36
Sparks Eastern Daylight or just Eastern? 15:37
poelcat that could be CEST ;-) 15:37
ke4qqq :) 15:38
poelcat okay we'll check back on packaging next week 15:38
poelcat what other things need to be done successfully reach go live on 2009-08-18 ? 15:39
ke4qqq oops - forgot a few things - mind if I drop those on you 15:39
* poelcat realizes that is a big question... maybe more suitable for a wiki list 15:39
ke4qqq so first - there are 2-3 fedora-specific modules that zikula guys have done for us (mainly itbegins) we need to get source code for those in fedorahosted - and get those packaged in the infra repos. 15:40
itbegins Yes, there's the theme, the FASAuth and the docs publishing module 15:40
itbegins the last of that list isn't complete yet, to my knowledge 15:40
itbegins The theme probably needs input from websites 15:41
itbegins FASAuth 'just works' 15:41
poelcat are we tracking these other modules in bugzilla? 15:41
ke4qqq can we get that pushed up today? everything as it stands now 15:41
ke4qqq poelcat: we aren't yet 15:41
poelcat who would like to be own creating the bugzillas? 15:42
Sparks I can 15:43
itbegins I have a bit of an issue at the moment - I've had 3 laptops die on me over the last couple of weeks and have no linux machines running at the moment. So, I'll have to re-establish all my Fedora stuff before I can commit anything to the repositories 15:44
poelcat Sparks: thanks 15:44
poelcat itbegins: ouch! 15:44
ke4qqq itbegins: how long? 15:44
itbegins I can email the code elsewhere for someone else to do quicker 15:44
itbegins otherwise, as I'm also packing for relocation to the US I can't see it happening for a while 15:45
ke4qqq ok - email it to me (and Sparks) if you don't mind - one of us will get it up by end of the day 15:45
Sparks we will? 15:45
itbegins will do 15:45
Sparks I mean... we will. 15:45
* poelcat notes we have 15 min left 15:45
ke4qqq :) 15:45
poelcat #topic Next Meeting Time 15:46
poelcat can we continue to meet at this time/day ? 15:46
ianweller this time is ok, i just have to learn to go to bed at not 3am the night before 15:46
itbegins poelcat, I can't... 15:46
itbegins but I don't know when I can 15:46
rislam +1 for timing 15:47
Sparks Okay for me. 15:47
* poelcat wonders if we can do a few meetings at this time until we are really blocking on itbegins? 15:47
itbegins That's fine by me 15:47
poelcat hopefully by then itbegins has a better idea on availability? 15:47
itbegins I can read the logs and follow up on any questions 15:47
itbegins I should know better in a week or so 15:47
poelcat perfect 15:48
ke4qqq ok to go back to your question - we need to create the puppet manifests - I am sure infra will want to audit all of that, including the code ( abadger1999 has already done a ton of that and found problems) - we need a decent testinstance running that we can beat on (that's generated by puppet, not installed by hand) and then I guess we need to work on publishing everything in test and get that incantation squared away. 15:48
itbegins ke4qqq, afaik, only licensing so far, right? 15:48
ke4qqq I ran into a hash issue I have been meaning to talk to you about when I unbundled some stuff - we can do so after the meeting if you want) 15:49
ke4qqq it's a php4 v php5 issue - and I prolly just need to patch it myself and submit it upstream 15:49
poelcat ready to move on? 15:51
rislam i love to help too, but need to learn things first, are people allowed to learn things to work with the team? 15:51
ke4qqq yes 15:51
ke4qqq and rislam: yes 15:51
rislam how? 15:51
ke4qqq rislam: lets talk after the meeting 15:52
poelcat #topic Important Cross Team Dependencies 15:52
poelcat what things should we be tracking on this topic that we aren't already? 15:52
poelcat or what things do different teams need to be thinking about? 15:52
ianweller art team/websites approval of the theme? 15:53
Sparks ianweller: Yes and anything that infra needs 15:53
ke4qqq yeah we'll need art/design/websites help and blessing 15:53
poelcat anything else on this topic or others in the remaining 5 minutes? 15:55
itbegins If anyone needs to know anything about Zikula (from other teams etc) just email me 15:57
itbegins I'm happy to answer any questions 15:57
poelcat thanks everyone for coming 15:59
poelcat #endmeeting 15:59