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[[I18N/Bugs|  Bugs]] [[Communicate|  Communicate]] [[I18N/Indic| Indic]] [[I18N/SCIM| SCIM Input Method]]; [[Docs/Beats/I18n| Docs Beat]] [[SIGs/Fonts| Fonts SIG]] [[L10N| Localization Project]] [[Lohit| Lohit Indic Fonts Project]]
* [[I18N/Bugs|  Bugs]]
* [[Communicate|  Communicate]]
* [[I18N/Indic| Indic]]
* [[I18N/SCIM| SCIM Input Method]]
* [[Docs/Beats/I18n| Docs Beat]]
* [[SIGs/Fonts| Fonts SIG]]
* [[Lohit| Lohit Indic Fonts Project]]
* [[L10N| Localization Project]]

= The Fedora Internationalization (I18N) Project =
= The Fedora Internationalization (I18N) Project =

Revision as of 09:11, 24 June 2008

The Fedora Internationalization (I18N) Project

The Fedora I18N project works on internationalization (i18n) to support the localization (l10n) of Fedora in many languages.

Translation of Fedora software and documentation are handled by the Fedora L10N project .

The goals of the Project are to:

  • Develop, package, and maintain applications like input methods for different languages
  • Improve applications and utilities to support and process different languages
  • Quality-assure that existing applications meet i18n standards
  • Support the infrastructure of the Fedora translation community

Joining the Fedora Internationalization Project

  • To learn how to join Fedora Internationalization Project, please refer to the Join page.


Mailing List

IRC channel



Input Methods

Input Methods are used to input Asian and other languages.

  • SCIM is the default multilingual input method framework in Fedora
  • m17n maps for Indic and other languages
  • uim, a light multilingual input method framework
  • gcin for Traditional Chinese
  • kinput2 for Japanese
  • nabi for Korean


A page on Fedora Fonts

  • Lohit Project. The Lohit fonts are a family of Indic fonts licensed under GPL.
  • Liberation Project The Liberation fonts are a family of Latin, Greek and Cyrillic fonts licensed under a free/libre license.

Fonts in Fedora
The Fonts SIG takes loving care of Fedora fonts. Please join this special interest group if you are interested in creating, improving, packaging, or just suggesting a font. Any help will be appreciated.

Adding Language Support

Adding Language Support

Reporting Bugs

Before you file a bug, please read through the list of current and previous bugs for the corresponding software package to determine if your bug has already been filed. If your bug does not exist, enter a bug report using the Bugzilla bug entry page . If your bug exists and has not been fixed, add additional information to the existing bug. If your bug exists and has been fixed, upgrade to the version in the bug report to determine if the bug was properly fixed. If it was not, reopen the bug.

See the I18n Bugs page for I18n related Bugzilla queries.

See the I18N Bugs Guidelines for reporting bugs.
