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2009-04-30 0500 UTC on #fedora-i18n at Freenode




juhp I18N/IBus/Meetings/2009-04-30 Apr 30 14:57
juhp ping phuang, tagoh3, dychen_, Kaio, paragn Apr 30 14:59
phuang pong Apr 30 14:59
dychen_ pong juhp Apr 30 14:59
tagoh3 hi Apr 30 14:59
juhp ibus meeting time! Apr 30 15:01
juhp I made an agenda page - see above ^ Apr 30 15:01
juhp shall we get started then :) Apr 30 15:02
juhp # bugs (Features/IBus) Apr 30 15:02
juhp * testing blocker Apr 30 15:02
juhp * bug list Apr 30 15:02
juhp anyone tested gnome-keyring with ibus in rawhide? Apr 30 15:02
juhp phuang: I guess you tested it when you fixed it? :) Apr 30 15:03
juhp nice to test again but no steps in bug.... Apr 30 15:03
juhp perhaps we should just close it, dunno? Apr 30 15:03
juhp (currently modified) Apr 30 15:03
juhp anyone there? ;o) Apr 30 15:04
phuang juhp, I did not test it. Apr 30 15:04
juhp ah Apr 30 15:04
phuang juhp, Just follows Matthias Clasen suggestion and modified the code Apr 30 15:04
juhp phuang: guess it really just reduced down to socket path issue? Apr 30 15:05
juhp tagoh3: guess you haven't tested yet? Apr 30 15:05
juhp I am not completely sure on the steps Apr 30 15:05
paragn hi Apr 30 15:05
juhp but tried a little Apr 30 15:05
tagoh3 juhp: a little Apr 30 15:06
juhp tagoh3: so better now? Apr 30 15:06
juhp given that it was "(none)" guess it should be fixed now with all the socket path changes Apr 30 15:07
phuang juhp, In comment #3, it also need some modify in gnome-keyring. I am not sure if it already land in f11 Apr 30 15:07
tagoh3 juhp: will do more testing and update later. Apr 30 15:07
juhp well (null) Apr 30 15:07
juhp phuang: hmm ok - that should be in a separate bug really Apr 30 15:08
juhp okay thanks Apr 30 15:08
juhp let move on then Apr 30 15:08
juhp 's Apr 30 15:08
juhp^ibus*&bug_status=NEW,ASSIGNED,NEEDINFO Apr 30 15:08
juhp (not quite why those ibutils packages are getting included - nm) Apr 30 15:09
juhp maybe I better hardcode the package list again Apr 30 15:09
tagoh3 juhp: because s* means 0 or more repeated? Apr 30 15:10
juhp tagoh3: ah Apr 30 15:10
juhp tagoh3: thanks Apr 30 15:11
juhp^ibus.*&bug_status=NEW,ASSIGNED,NEEDINFO Apr 30 15:11
juhp phuang: seems fr translation update available Apr 30 15:12
phuang juhp, I have update it in source tree. But do not build it for fedora Apr 30 15:13
juhp Apr 30 15:14
juhp :) Apr 30 15:14
juhp phuang: nice to tell the translator that it has been committed upstream then :) Apr 30 15:14
-->asgeirf (n=asgeirf@nat/redhat/x-24893a67a76108e5) has joined #fedora-i18n Apr 30 15:14
phuang juhp, ok Apr 30 15:14
juhp not sure what to do about Alt-` Apr 30 15:15
juhp tagoh3: any thoughts? Apr 30 15:15
juhp guess it only affects "US" Japanese users though Apr 30 15:15
juhp hmm Apr 30 15:15
juhp maybe we can leave for now and see what others say Apr 30 15:15
tagoh3 juhp: aha Apr 30 15:15
juhp surely same problem for scim no? Apr 30 15:16
juhp anyway don't see any critical new bugs Apr 30 15:16
juhp phuang: thanks for fixing japanese wide space issue - had missed that Apr 30 15:17
tagoh3 it would be a known who-acts-with-meta-key-first issue I suppose.. Apr 30 15:17
juhp yeah Apr 30 15:17
juhp phuang: or would it be better under scim? Apr 30 15:17
juhp since it snoops keys? Apr 30 15:17
tagoh3 I think so Apr 30 15:17
juhp hmm Apr 30 15:18
phuang juhp, ibus already uses snooper for keys Apr 30 15:18
juhp ah Apr 30 15:18
juhp ok Apr 30 15:18
tagoh3 since when? Apr 30 15:18
phuang tagoh3, I am not sure, but two or three weeks ago Apr 30 15:19
juhp hmm actually I can reproduce Apr 30 15:19
juhp maybe I am missing something Apr 30 15:19
phuang juhp, guess many openoffice uses other gui toolkit, and it will filter keyevents before gdk Apr 30 15:19
juhp in vm anyway Apr 30 15:20
phuang s/many/maybe/ Apr 30 15:20
tagoh3 if the version reported has that feature, that means the problem still exists. Apr 30 15:20
phuang tagoh3, ic Apr 30 15:20
tagoh3 phuang: on GNOME, they use gtk+ for event handling. Apr 30 15:20
phuang tagoh3, yeah. but it does not use gtk menu bar. So it will handle the alt by different way Apr 30 15:21
phuang maybe by snooper too Apr 30 15:21
juhp anyway please try to reproduce - I can't yet anyway Apr 30 15:22
tagoh3 phuang: maybe Apr 30 15:22
juhp ok Apr 30 15:23
juhp let's move on Apr 30 15:23
juhp Test_Days:IBus Apr 30 15:23
juhp our QA test day is now coming up in two weeks so we really need to get ready for that Apr 30 15:23
juhp there was an update in the QA ticket: Apr 30 15:24
juhp Apr 30 15:25
juhp [jlaska] - Announce event to fedora-{devel,test} Apr 30 15:27
juhp [ ] - Announce event to ibus community list(s) Apr 30 15:27
juhp [jlaska] - Reach out to Red Hat and Fedora i18n teams Apr 30 15:27
juhp [ ] - Prepare wiki-style test cases [1], [2] Apr 30 15:27
juhp I think we need to include fedora-i18n-list and the translators too Apr 30 15:29
juhp on the fedora side Apr 30 15:29
juhp phuang: can you make an announcement when we are ready at least to ibus mailing lists about the test event? Apr 30 15:29
phuang ok Apr 30 15:30
juhp tagoh3: are we missing any other obvious places? Apr 30 15:30
tagoh3 juhp: how about posting an announcement to fedora-trans-*? Apr 30 15:31
phuang I will forward the announce to ibus discuss groups. Apr 30 15:31
juhp tagoh3: yup Apr 30 15:31
juhp phuang: sounds good Apr 30 15:31
juhp tagoh3: can you coordinate -* ? :) Apr 30 15:32
juhp guess we need CIJK teams headsup Apr 30 15:33
tagoh3 sure - nod Apr 30 15:33
juhp I had only thought of fedora-trans-list Apr 30 15:33
-->paragan (n=paragan@unaffiliated/paragan) has joined #fedora-i18n Apr 30 15:33
tagoh3 dunno if every translators are supposed to join it? if yes, it would be sufficient Apr 30 15:33
juhp mm - well I doubt all will - but doesn't hurt to mention it there at least Apr 30 15:36
-->sandeeps1 (n=sshedmak@ has joined #fedora-i18n Apr 30 15:38
juhp so main preparation left is the test cases Apr 30 15:38
juhp hmm should we hammer them out now or do another meeting for that tomorrow? Apr 30 15:40
juhp well let's have a look now and it takes to long we can break out to another meeting to complete it Apr 30 15:42
juhp if it takes Apr 30 15:42
juhp too Apr 30 15:42
juhp .. Apr 30 15:42
juhp Test_Day:2009-03-26_Nouveau#Test is an example Apr 30 15:43
juhp so i guess we want to replace my text in the table with links to a few explicit testcases Apr 30 15:44
<--sandeeps has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) Apr 30 15:49
juhp so I am thinking we need few testcases: Apr 30 15:49
juhp 1) enable ibus with imsettings Apr 30 15:50
<--krishnababu has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) Apr 30 15:50
juhp 2) select/start one's IME Apr 30 15:50
juhp 3) input in firefox Apr 30 15:50
juhp 4) input in gedit Apr 30 15:50
juhp 5) input in pidgin Apr 30 15:51
juhp 6) input in openoffice Apr 30 15:51
-->sandeeps (n=sshedmak@ has joined #fedora-i18n Apr 30 15:52
juhp 7) input in lokalize? Apr 30 15:52
juhp 8) kate or other KDE apps Apr 30 15:52
-->krishnababu (n=kkrothap@ has joined #fedora-i18n Apr 30 15:52
juhp other desktops? Apr 30 15:52
juhp or maybe result should include the used desktop Apr 30 15:53
juhp otherwise too many permutations I think Apr 30 15:53
juhp ah many IMEs Apr 30 15:53
juhp hmm bit complex Apr 30 15:53
dychen_ juhp: How about java and flash? Apr 30 15:53
juhp apps x locale x IME x desktop Apr 30 15:54
juhp dychen_: good idea Apr 30 15:54
juhp dychen_: any applet in mind? Apr 30 15:54
dychen_ eclipse? Apr 30 15:54
juhp there is also eclipse etc - we could have a misc/other category perhaps Apr 30 15:54
dychen_ And jabref maybe. Apr 30 15:55
juhp dychen_: who? Apr 30 15:55
dychen_ jabref is a java bibliographic manager. Apr 30 15:55
juhp dychen_: seems a bit obscure? Apr 30 15:56
dychen_ Right, just stick on eclipse. Apr 30 15:56
juhp I think we have two many permutations Apr 30 15:56
juhp so our results can be simple yes/no Apr 30 15:57
juhp mabe something like tested kate/GNOME/zh_CN/ibus-pinyin OK Apr 30 15:57
juhp maybe Apr 30 15:57
juhp but probably variable along top of results table can be apps I guess Apr 30 15:58
juhp phuang, tagoh3: comments? Apr 30 15:58
juhp parag, Kaio: what do you think? Apr 30 15:59
Kaio hmm Apr 30 15:59
juhp or maybe the current format is not too bad - just need to describe how to test I guess Apr 30 16:00
juhp but I think I want to list some default apps to test not leave it completely open to testers Apr 30 16:00
Kaio openoffice and flash is must :) Apr 30 16:01
juhp maybe one box for Desktop/locale ; one for IME ; and then results Apr 30 16:01
juhp Kaio: there is no flash in fedora Apr 30 16:01
juhp well not that anyone uses to my knowledge anyway :-/ Apr 30 16:02
Kaio juhp, it affects users' experience quite much Apr 30 16:02
juhp it could be an optional app perhaps Apr 30 16:03
Kaio java in fedora is not original java, too :) Apr 30 16:03
juhp Kaio: when do you type into flash Apr 30 16:03
juhp I hardly ever do Apr 30 16:03
juhp Kaio: openjdk is pretty official Apr 30 16:03
Kaio personally I dont feel like giving up flash users Apr 30 16:04
juhp Kaio: so can you suggest a site? :) Apr 30 16:04
*juhp can't remember the last time he input into flash Apr 30 16:04
dychen_ BTW, phuang, didn't you said its flash which has to be fixed? Apr 30 16:04
juhp heh Apr 30 16:05
juhp Kaio: we should certainly test it but it can be done outside the QA event - fedora does not support flash Apr 30 16:05
phuang dychen_, ? Apr 30 16:05
Kaio ok Apr 30 16:05
juhp Kaio: if you could test that would great :-) Apr 30 16:05
Kaio juhp, ok, /me will look for a flash site Apr 30 16:06
Kaio I just got a flash site to test font displaying Apr 30 16:06
dychen_ Kaio: I think there is one in ibus Google code issue Apr 30 16:06
Kaio dychen_, exactly Apr 30 16:07
juhp Kaio: cool but we are talking about ibus testing Apr 30 16:07
juhp Kaio: does it allow input? Apr 30 16:07
Kaio juhp, sorry I know thats OT :P Apr 30 16:08
Kaio pls go on :) Apr 30 16:08
juhp wow lots of people tested nouveau Apr 30 16:09
juhp ok I will try to review the table somewhat and draw up some draft testcases - and we can review tomorrow afternoon? Apr 30 16:10
juhp how does that sound Apr 30 16:10
juhp ? Apr 30 16:10
juhp s/review/revise Apr 30 16:10
juhp but feedback on the current table would be good now Apr 30 16:10
juhp we may have to do another iteration following feedback from QA Apr 30 16:11
juhp jlaska> Do you have any other thoughts/concerns? Apr 30 16:11
juhp let's close in meeting in 3min Apr 30 16:12
juhp please spend a minute to stare at the current table to see its problems/omissions Apr 30 16:12
juhp also please add your names to the participant list if not already there Apr 30 16:13
juhp meaning you will be around on #fedora-qa on the day of the testing Apr 30 16:14
juhp to help answer questions etc Apr 30 16:14
juhp silence is golden... :) Apr 30 16:14
juhp ok let's end there then Apr 30 16:17
juhp thank you for the meeting! Apr 30 16:17

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