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Fedora In the News

In this section, we cover news from the trade press and elsewhere that is re-posted to the Fedora Marketing list[1]

Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

Fedora 14 aka Laughlin Review (muktware)

Rahul Sundaram forwarded[1] another review of Fedora 14, which sums up their experience with:

"Fedora 14 is a good distribution. Parts of it may not be for the inexperienced, such as partitioning disk drives. It may also require more knowledge and understanding to add multimedia functionality to the system, but once everything is set up, the user is generally good to go"

The full article is available[2].

Run Applications in Secure Sandboxes with SELinux (

Rahul Sundaram forwarded[1] an article in about SELinux's sandbox approach to application security:

"SELinux runs a Firefox in a restricted session that doesn't have access to rest of the system. That includes the X session. Firefox will run in a nested X server (Xephyr), and you won't be able to even copy & paste from or to the Firefox session and other apps. /But/, it also means that Firefox is totally restricted from reading any other files on your system and that malicious Web pages or attacks on plugins like Flash are sandboxed as well."

The full article is available[2]

Fedora 14: Strong follow-up to 13 still suffers from same niche appeal (Linux In Exile)

Rahul Sundaram forwarded[1] another blog review of Fedora 14:

"Don’t get me wrong, Fedora 14 is a great installation in the Fedora time line. It builds upon the strengths of Fedora 13. My biggest problem is in what was left out. It is my belief that ALL Linux distributions (the exception being the likes of Puppy Linux and other small to tiny distributions - as well as rescue distributions) should ship with all the tools necessary to get to work out-of-the-box (on top of the standard and system tools)."

The full post is available[2]

Fuduntu Is A Fedora 14 Remix For Netbooks And Laptops (

Rahul Sundaram forwarded[1] announcement of a new Fedora 14 remix for Asus Eee netbooks:

"Fuduntu is a Fedora 14 remix (remaster) designed especially for Asus Eee (but you can of course use it on other netbooks and any laptop/desktop computer) and comes with some interesting performance tweaks by default. It was created by Fewt, the Jupiter (an hardware and power management applet for netbooks and Laptops) developer"

The full post is available[2] sorgt für Uneinigkeit ( Germany)

Henryk Heigl forwarded[1] another posting on openrespect in which he provides some rough English translation:

"Originally the declaration should be carried by several projects together. This can be inferred anyhow to minutes[2] of the last meeting of the Fedora executive committee. The Fedora executive committee appeared surprised that Bacon finally published its own version of the text despite the original offer to co-operation, and decided, not to support these. Individual members of the executive committee saw in the text a transparent attempt, criticism at Canonical, to the company behind Ubuntu to repel. Also the question, whether the text falsely equates politeness with respect, was raised."

The full post, in German, is available[3]

Spotlight on Linux: Fedora 14 (Linux Journal)

Rahul Sundaram forwarded[1] Linux Journal coverage of Fedora 14:

"One of the determining factors in the popularity of distributions is the size of their community. That puts Fedora near the top of the list.

Another advantage is the level of quality found throughout the distribution. Fedora developers contribute not only to Fedora, but also to upstream projects, and cherish the highest standards of quality control. Bugs are everywhere in code and Fedora is no exception, but Fedora developers seem to rise just a bit higher than some other distributions."

The full post is available[2]