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Revision as of 05:14, 2 February 2011 by Sankarshan (talk | contribs) (Updated Welcome New Ambassadors to The Fedora Project)


This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora Ambassadors Project[1].

Contributing Writer: Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay

Welcome New Ambassadors to The Fedora Project

This week the Fedora Ambassadors Project had a new member joining.

Cheng-Chia Tseng from the Taiwan mentored by Caius Chance

Summary of traffic on Ambassadors mailing list

David Ramsey posted [1] about a couple of Test Days [2] which would be fun to participate in.

David Ramsey posted [3] Meeting Notes for APAC Meeting on 2011-01-15 [4]

David Ramsey asked [5] the Ambassadors to propose ideas and suggestions for Fedora Classroom. The Ambassadors responded in the thread [6] with interest in SELinux, Virtualization etc

Jesús Franco informed [7] about a proposal for an introductory course of Publican aimed at those who want to contribute to Fedora Documentation [8]

Luca Foppiano informed [9] the Ambassadors about the decision to leave the Fedora community [10]

Larry Cafiero reminded [11] about the FAmNA meeting and thereafter posted [12] minutes of the meeting [13]

Summary of events reported on Ambassadors mailing list

No events were reported for this cycle of the Ambassadors Beat

Summary of traffic on FAmSCo mailing list

Pierros Papadeas posted [1] Meeting Minutes for FAmSCo meeting on 2011-01-22 [2] along with the updated agenda [3]

Gerard Braad expressed concern [4] over two FAmSCo-APAC tickets [5] [6] which had to be closed with WONTFIX due to slipping of time. Caius Chance added [7] some additional questions around the fund approval process. Larry Cafiero informed [8] the specific item was a point of discussion with Max Spevack during FUDCon and would report back post the discussion.

Larry Cafiero posted [9] agenda [10] for the FAmSCo meeting on 2011-01-29. Pierros Papadeas followed up [11] with the Meeting Minutes [12] and a link to the new FAQ [13]

Gerard Braad suggested [14] more participation on the Mentors mailing list and that this be added to the agenda of the next meeting. Pierros Papadeas clarified [15] about this list being not specifically aimed at Ambassador Mentors