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Revision as of 14:05, 7 April 2012 by Bckurera (talk | contribs) (did some basic formting)
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Project title:Implement a survey infrastructure for the Fedora Project

Project Description:This project aims to develop a web based survey system so that contributors can easily create surveys and get results as well. The user will be able to see statistics and other required reports so that they can analyze the data through reports in an efficient manner.

Contact Information

  • Email
  • Telephone:+91-7838663853

Why do you want to work with the Fedora Project? I want to work with in an open source project and that too with skilled people who have the exact idea of what product they want to build and how are they going to achieve it.Hence fedora was an obvious choice.

Do you have any past involvement with the Fedora project or another open source project as a contributor? No I don't have any past involvement with the Fedora project

Will you continue contributing/ supporting the Fedora project after the GSoC 2012 program, if yes, which team(s), you are interested with? Yes , i would like to continue supporting it even after my gsoc timeline ends.

Why should we choose you over other applicants? Even though I do not have any experience in working with open source projects i do have a lot of experience in developing applications , so I can coordinate properly and most of the places I have worked are startup's so I know well enough the importance of meeting the timeline of your task.

    DEVELOPER AND PROGRAMMER JANUARY 2011-APRIL-2011 SKETCHLOUNGE I was a part of the development team on their shopping recommendation product “TIP9” as an Intern Software Developer.Language Used: Perl,Javascript. Database Used : sqlite3

    MOMMENT:This is a web application with a mobile interface for smartphones which aggregates all the updates from the different social profiles,for which I am the lead developer.Language Used : Python,Javascript.Database Used : MongoDB

    EUNOIA:CTO of Eunoia which is a startup focusing on developing web application as products for the end user.

    DEVELOPER AND PROGRAMMER ,WORLD VISION SOFTEK JANUARY 2012 – PRESENT :I am part of the application building team and work as a application developer working on business applications in different technologies  .Language Used : PHP,Javascript. Database Used : MySQL

    Projects: TIP9: This is a project focusing on deals , tips and reviews of a product a user wants to buy or use of which I was responsible for developing the front end back end and design basic algorithms

    MOMMENT:This is a web application that focuses on realtime updates of the different linked social networks and has an interface for smartphones included . I am currently working on it and am the lead developer of the development team.I am also the CTO of Eunoia,which is a startup building this project.

Proposal Description

Please describe your proposal in detail. Include:

An overview of your proposal: Develop a web base survey system so that contributors can easily create surveys and get results as well. The user will be able to see statistics and other required reports so that they can analyze the data through reports in an efficient manner.

The need you believe it fulfills: Surveys give an idea about the progress of any work and hence increase the quality of a service.The contributors can use the survey for results , analysis and various activities .

Any relevant experience you have: Although I do no have not any knowledge about Lime Survey, until now, but I have worked under the LAMP stack before also , and have developed many applications which serves to provide business solutions be it an organizer tool for the employees or a contact manager tool for the service.I am part of the application building team and work as a application developer working on business applications in PHP,Mysql , Javacsript in WORLD VISION SOFTEK.

How you intend to implement your proposal: First , I will familiarize myself with the development environment at Fedora and understand the basics of Lime Survey as it's given that its knowledge would be an advantage.After that i would focus on developing the actual application , using jqplot to plot graphs using the data so that contributors can analyze the reports , A good UI will also be one of the primary focus of the project.

A rough timeline for your progress:

   10-12 days: To get familiar with the development work and Lime Survey.
   6-7 days: Build a web interface for the users using html ,css , javascript 
   10 days:Develop the actual application to add different functionality where the users can create surveys
   6-7 days:Use jqplot to plot graphs whenever possible to provide the contributors with desired reports

  • You have subscribed with the summer-coding mailing list-done
  • Create a FAS account-done; Username : tusharkumar91
  • Your application is available on the Fedora project wiki:Already available
  • Your application is submitted to google-melange:Submitted