From Fedora Project Wiki
This page is a draft only
It is still under construction and content may change. Do not rely on the information on this page. This page has not been approved by any legal authority. The official guidelines for using the Fedora trademarks are located here.

This page is a drafting space for use cases for the trademark. These use cases will help us define new guidelines for the trademark.

Acceptable Use

By Red Hat

Red Hat owns the Fedora trademarks, and protects them on behalf of the entire Fedora community. As the trademark owner, Red Hat strives to use the trademarks under the same guidelines as the rest of the community.

By the Fedora Board

The Fedora Board administers trademark guidelines to avoid overly taxing Red Hat's legal resources. The Board approves community regulated use where practical, and serves as the first line of mediation when questions of use arise. The Board refers problems it cannot resolve to Red Hat's legal department through established channels, typically Fedora's legal contact or the FPL.

The Board may use the Fedora trademarks to:

  • name subprojects and other groups or initiatives in the Fedora Project
  • label distributions or spins of software meeting appropriate guidelines
  • refer to the Project and its members, software products, and initiatives in written materials

By Anyone, Unregulated

Any Fedora community member may use the Fedora trademarks in the following situations:

  1. On personal web sites, provided that:
    • the site indicates clearly that it is not affiliated with or endorsed by Red Hat or the Fedora Project
      • To pass this test, a site must include some text like "This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by Red Hat, Inc., or the Fedora Project" prominently on any page that includes the Fedora trademarks.
      • If the Fedora trademarks appear in a page header or any area that is designed to be presented on more than one page, than the notice must also be designed to be presented on all of those pages as well. (I.e., if the Fedora marks appear in a site-wide header, the informational text must appear in that header or an identically site-wide footer.)
    • the site does not use visual styling that could be confusing to viewers or visitors as to whether the site is part of Red Hat or the Fedora Project
    • the site does not use the Fedora trademarks to imply endorsement of or affiliation with any goods or services, other than the Fedora Project itself
  2. On business web sites, provided that:
    • the site does not use the Fedora trademarks to imply endorsement of or affiliation with any goods or services, other than the Fedora Project, official Fedora software, or those goods or services specifically agreed upon by separate license
      • It should be OK for sites to use the Fedora trademarks to sell Fedora media.
      • It should be OK for sites to use the Fedora trademarks to sell goods that the Board and Red Hat have licensed the site and its owners to sell (see regulated use below)
  3. Community members may use the Fedora trademarks on business cards to identify their affiliation with the Fedora Project.
  4. Community members may use the Fedora trademarks to label media containing unaltered copies of official Fedora software.
  5. Community members may use the Fedora trademarks

Fedora Community Regulated Use

Unapproved Use