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Revision as of 08:52, 3 November 2015 by Starwdg (talk | contribs)

About Me:

☞As a Google Apps for Education Trainer, Google Apps Certified Administrator, Serhiy is an international Google Summit featured speaker and global trainer with Apps Events. She works with school by developing customized approached to deploying and leveraging Google Apps for Education in 'their environment.' For over a decade she has specialized in technology in education and her professional skills focus on creating rich and engaging [student centered] 21st Century Learning Environments that integrate innovative teaching strategies designed for today's digital learners.

Years in Education:


☞ I'm a graduate of the Lviv Pilitechnikal University in FKTiT and Diversity Studies. My studies have helped to develop my interests in people, pop culture and social media. I love to travel and see what people all over the world find exciting and interesting. I try to practice yoga and do my own personal, creative writing for my son's website in my spare time.



  • Free and open-source tools for OA
  • Free and open-source journal management software
  • Free and open-source repository software
  • OATP_tags
  • OA book business models
  • OA by the numbers
  • OA journal business models
  • OA tracking projects

My Achievements:

☞I loved the studying and learning, and I had nothing to lost and everything to gain, so I applied. At first, I thought it would take about four or five years. In the end, it took me eight years to complete my thesis. This was due to many reasons, including changing universities, applying for funding and the length of time it took to actually do my study. But it was great fun and certainly stimulating, challenging at times, and very satisfying. With any big achievement you have in life, it is part of you for life - no one can take it away.

Past Accomplishments

☞ During the past two years, I have exposed myself to various research topics on data mining and machine learning under the supervision of Professor Ee-Peng Lim (University_of_Maryland). I have also acquired a lot of important knowledge about research methodologies and methods. Under Professor Lim's guidance, I have worked on several projects on behaviour mining in online social networks.

☞ Open Access Publications

i contributed to various Open_Access_Journals