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Revision as of 22:18, 22 March 2016 by Andrewddo (talk | contribs) (→‎How do you intend to implement your proposal)
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Contact Information

Questions to answer

Why do you want to work with the Fedora Project?

My initial experience with Linux began with Ubuntu sometime in 2012. After some time I began to jump very often to many different distros till one day I stumbled upon Fedora. However, this time I had no urge to leave, or rather I didn't want to. Fedora wasn't like the others, there was something different about it that made me choose fedora as my main operating system of choice. I believe it was how polished it and refined it was that drew me to it. It was then I decided I wanted to contribute to fedora and being able to participate in GSoC would greatly help jump start my goal.

Do you have any past involvement with the Fedora Project or another open-source project as a contributor?

No, I have not had any past involvement with the Fedora project or any other open-source project.

Have you participated in GSoC in the past? If so, what year(s) and which organization(s)?

No, this is my first time participating in GSoC.

Do you plan to continue contributing to the Fedora Project after GSoC? If yes, what sub-project(s) are you interested with?

Yes, I do plan on contributing to the Fedora Project after GSoC. I'm most interested in the atomic project.

Why should we choose you over other applicants?

I feel i'm a good candidate because i'm always seeking opportunities to learn and determined to reach my goals.

Have you contributed to any other open source organizations or projects? If so, do you have artifacts you can show so we can see your skill set(s)?

I have not contributed to any other open source organizations but I have participated in a project course during school. I was tasked with building a website in 2 weeks with the following technologies:java, jdbc, mysql, html, jsp, javascript, and jquery. this project can be found in my bitbucket account or here

Do you have any other open source experience (even if not coding-related)?

I have experience using several other distros.

Proposal Description

Overview and The Need

I'm interested in working on the rpm-ostree operation history support.

Any relevant experience you have

During my lower division studies our primary language was C++, so I expect not too much difficultly adjusting to C. Also, I have taken a course in computer organization which had us program a little bit in C and assembly. Additionally, this spring quarter I will be taking principles of system design, where i'll be using C extensively. After the course I expect to have moderate experience with C enabling me to understand the code and modify it accordingly.

How do you intend to implement your proposal

From what I have read about the problem the solution seems to be to keep the data in the systemd journal. I will begin searching here for a solution to this problem and implement it accordingly.

A rough timeline for your progress

During summer, I will have no other plans other than programming everyday on the project and work on any other related activities involved. I will arrange the best meeting times with my mentor according their schedule.

Final deliverable

a functioning atomic history

Any other details you feel we should consider

I like the Fedora project and the community and believe in what it stands for, so I want to help do my part by contributing.