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Revision as of 14:22, 4 October 2017 by Vmojzis (talk | contribs)

Development Warning
The SELinux Modularity prototype is under heavy development and all, or portions, of this page may be incorrect and/or incomplete.


The SELinux Modularity prototype described here has the following dependencies.

Fedora 26

While it may be possible to duplicate the prototype described here on other versions of Fedora, Fedora 26 is strongly recommended. Help on installing Fedora can be found in the Fedora Installation Guide.

Fedora Module Developer Packages

In order to build Fedora Modules the module-build-service package must be installed. While the package may be available via the normal DNF installation mechanism, due to the rapid development of the Fedora Modularity mechanisms it is recommended that the latest package be obtained from Koji.

# dnf install module-build-service
Currently it's necessary to use mock, mock-lvm and mock-scm version 1.3.4-1.fc26 and module-build-service seems to be missing a dependency on python2-pdc-client.
#sudo dnf install --allowerasing -y python2-pdc-client

SELinux Developer Packages

The following is only necessary for local testing of the selinux policy package since the policy build is otherwise done by the module-build-service.

# dnf install selinux-policy-devel rpm-build

DNF (module support)

Since this changes the behavior of dnf, it may interfere with the module build. Please leave this step until after the module build (before installation).

To install the module, DNF with module support has to be installed. It can be obtained from mhatina's copr repository

# dnf copr enable mhatina/DNF-Modules
# dnf update dnf

Building the memcached Module

More information on building Fedora Modules
The Fedora Modularity project has more information on building modules on their website.

The memcached module source is currently maintained in the Fedora Project's module repository. The first step to building the memcached module is cloning the remote repository:

# git clone
Cloning into 'memcached'...
remote: Counting objects: 93, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (86/86), done.
remote: Total 93 (delta 38), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (93/93), done.

Once the repository has been cloned, you can enter the local repository and build the memcached module with the mbs-build command:

# cd memcached
# git checkout f26
# mbs-build local
... [the build process may take some time to complete] ...
Resulting module repository can be found at /root/modulebuild/builds/module-memcached-f26-<build-id>

Including SELinux policy package

To include new package into the module, it's source repository has to be provided and listed in the modulemd file (in this case memcached.yaml). Source repository for memcached-selinux is currently located at pagure. For details on how to create custom SELinux policy rpm package, please visit lvrabec's blog.

Use this pagure repository containing memcached module source with all the adjustments needed to include the SELinux policy package, or follow the following steps to edit memcached module repository mentioned above.

Add policycoreutils and memcached-selinux under components:

    rationale: Required for memcached-selinux (dnf dependency removed).
    ref: master
    buildorder: -5

    rationale: SELinux policy package for memcached.
    ref: master

And edit default install profile:

        - memcached
        - memcached-selinux

Module build service needs to be configured to allow building packages form custom repositories. To do so, set RPMS_ALLOW_REPOSITORY and RPMS_ALLOW_CACHE to True in /etc/module-build-service/ file.

The following adjustment is currently necessary for module-build-service to accept pagure repositories:

Edit “distgits” entry in “/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/module_build_service/” as follows

        'distgits': {
            'type': dict,
            'default': {
                    ('fedpkg clone --anonymous {}',
                     'fedpkg --release module sources'),
                    ('git clone{}.git',
                     'echo "Cloned pagure repository."'),
            'desc': 'Mapping between dist-git and command to '},

Commit changes and re-build the module.

# git add -u
# git commit -m "Add SELinux policy package"
# mbs-build local


DNF with modularity support is not necessary, albeit strongly recommended
If needed, individual packages contained within the module can be installed using dnf shipped with fedora.

Module repository created by mbs-build local can be made visible to dnf by creating repository file in /etc/yum.repos.d/ as follows.

# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo
name = local
baseurl = file:///root/modulebuild/builds/module-memcached-f26-<module-id>/results/

# dnf module list
Name               Stream         Version                Repo          Installed         Info                                                     
memcached          f26            20170728100714         local                           High Performance, Distributed Memory Object Cache

# dnf module info memcached
...[memcached module info]...

# dnf module install/default