From Fedora Project Wiki

The Fedora contributor business card is a business card that represents contributors of Fedora.

Using the card generator

su -c "yum install mgopen-fonts inkscape PyXML python-iniparse pygpgme python-fedora git"
git clone git://
cd fedora-business-cards/

The instructions are quite easy to follow. If you need any help, ping me on IRC.

Fedora Business Card Specification

This is the specification to be used for Fedora business cards.

Front of card


  • Use generator as specified below
  • Template available as templates/front-northamerica.svg in git repository

Optional back of card

Dark background
This background can be difficult to write on and for some people may be a reason to not put this on the back of your card. As said, it is optional.

  • Template available as templates/back-northamerica.svg in git repository