From Fedora Project Wiki

Fedora 10 Release Party - Rome, Italy

When and Where

  • 20.30, 9 Dec 2008
  • Via Cereate 8
  • Rome, Italy -> Map


  • Fedora 10 Release Party


  • Fedora and Fedora 10 Presentation
  • help installing Fedora 10
  • automatic fedora usb creation
  • snacks & drinks
  • posters
  • social and funs!

Organized by

Luca Cipriani, Mario Pascucci, Marco Palazzotti, Gianluca Varisco


Put your name here

Help Needed

Please contact me at [[MailTo( palazzot AT fedoraproject DOT org )] if you'd like to help out, have creative ideas, or would like to participate in at any kinds for this event.

IRC: #fedora-it

Mailing List

Ideas & task

Task Owners Status
DVD Mario Pascucci 100%
CD Live
Chiavette USB Far portare dai partecipanti
Ricerca Locale Marco Palazzotti 100%
Pc Far portare dai partecipanti
Stazione USB Marco Palazzotti 100%
Gadgets Gianluca Varisco
Comunicato stampa
Contatti con LUG/BLOG e diffusione Ambassadors tutti
Presentazione Gianluca Varisco News in F10
Riprese video e foto Mario Pascucci 50% (MarioP: porto la mia fotocamera, non ho videocamera)