From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 15:29, 19 January 2009 by Nippur (talk | contribs) (moved RichardvanderLuit to nippur due to nieuw MediaWiki format)

Richard van der Luit

Even vooraf in Nederlands....
Deze pagina is nog in bewerking. Ik heb mij aangemeld als vertaler van Fedora documenten naar het Nederlands. Op dat vlak is nog genoeg te doen, zag ik.

Ik ben op dit moment bezig met contact te leggen met dutch-translation-group (knallende stilte), ben tevens bezig enige applicaties waarvan ik weet dat er niemand aan werkt te vertalen totdat coördinatie van de grond komt. Ben ook maar begonnen met actualiseren van een aantal wiki-pagina's dutch-translation-group die behoorlijk achterliepen. De vergelijking met een uitgestorven, winderig, stoffig mijnstadje in de Rocky Mountains dringt zich op ....

Ik gebruik Linux in al haar facetten overigens met veel plezier sinds 1997 (redhat 4.2).

Introducing myself

About me

  • Name: Richard van der Luit
  • Fedora Account: nippur
  • Lives in: The Netherlands - Oegstgeest (Western-Europe)
  • Works in: The Netherlands - Leiden
  • My job: i am a jurist with an high interest in IT, using computers on sysadmlvl since 1984 and using Linux from the prompt since 1997
  • I have been an employer for 100+ employees for 17 years now, and had the opportunity to introduce linux into the busyness i worked in.

It was all from scratch though, in Holland there were few people in those days with the same interest. However, in bygoing years i learned that more and more people contributed on a regular base to the so called linux society, and i didn't (at least not in dutch, and not in my own name). I really like to change that by translating what-ever-needed into dutch as from now.


You can contact me by email in Dutch (Nederlands), English, French or German:

  • Email: [[MailTo(nippur AT fedoraproject DOT org)]
  • GPG ID: C5605686
  • Fingerprint: EA62 1D1D 543D 81E7 3D6C 40F6 DCD8 54C2 C560 5686
  • FAS: nippur