From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 21:15, 6 July 2009 by Abo (talk | contribs) (added info on current production OLPC releases)

I currently (Abo 18:06, 6 July 2009 (UTC)) feel confused about the different Fedora based distros that are either targeting the various XO computers or centred around the Sugar environment. I'm therefore going to try to make sense of if all.


For each distro I want to answer the following questions:

  • What hardware is it targeted for? (XO-1, XO-1.5, XO-2, PC?)
  • How is it distributed? (Live ISOs, live USB images, NAND images, virtual machine images, installable OS (anaconda).)
  • What distro is it based on? (Fedora X, Rawhide, etc.)
  • What are the desktop environments (or services in case of XS) targeted for it? (Sugar, GNOME, ...)
  • How is it built? (tools to generate the distribution)
  • How, from where is it distributed?
  • What customizations have been done?
    • Kernel?
      • How are the patches/fork/whatever maintained?
      • How is it built?
      • From where is it distributed?
      • etc.
  • What is the state of maintenance? (Broken, unmaintained, abandoned, under development, being deployed, in active use, obsoleted.)

And for all of the above, where is it documented?


The current Fedora release

The targeted hardware is normal PCs (and also PPC). There's no straight-forward support for installing in an XO. (The live images do not contain a kernel that fully supports the XO-1 or XO-1.5 hardware. There is no NAND image. Anaconda/liveinst will not be able to install to NAND. livecd-utils does have an option to make a USB/SD that boots on the XO though.) Not really usable without a swap.

Desktops: GNOME, Sugar, and a bunch more

Built using liveimg-creator, distributed on

There is no Sugar spin. See SoaS instead.


Random incomplete obsolete info

Fedora 10 for the OLPC XO

A F10 based distro that can/could be bought on an SD card and that will run on an XO-1. Power management support etc. probably missing. Related to the 2008 G1G1.

Desktops: GNOME

Probably not really maintained.


Sugar on a Stick v2 beta

Based on Fedora 11. Developed in parallel with Rawhide-XO.

Composed as a Fedora spin, but externally. Also VMware images.

Desktops: Sugar v0.84 (some parts packaged as .xo instead of .rpm)

Hardware: PC, VMware/VirtualBox, XO-1

Also instructions for booting the live images on an XO-1 and for creating and intalling NAND images:

  • What customizations have been done?
    • Kernel?
      • How are the patches/fork/whatever maintained?
      • How is it built?
      • From where is it distributed?
      • etc.
  • What is the state of maintenance? (Broken, unmaintained, abandoned, under development, being deployed, in active use, obsoleted.)


Probably out of date info on merging OLPC packages into Fedora proper

Sugar on a Stick v2

Based on Fedora 12. Under development.

Hardware: PC, VMware/VirtualBox. XO-1? NAND images?

Desktops: Sugar v0.86 (some parts packaged as .xo instead of .rpm)

Support for installing (anaconda/liveinst)

  • What customizations have been done?
    • Kernel?
      • How are the patches/fork/whatever maintained?
      • How is it built?
      • From where is it distributed?
      • etc.


Probably obsolete info on who will do what


Fedora 11 based. Not updated since Rawhide branched off towards F12.

Hardware: XO-1

Distributed as ISO, NAND image.

Desktops: Sugar, GNOME



F11 for XO-1.5

Targeted for the XO-1.5. Under development.

Based on F11.

Desktops: Sugar, GNOME

Customizations: kernel patches for XO-1.5 (no XO-1 support). Modified Xorg driver.


Various OLPC releases

In production. Based on Fedora, but customized and with an rsync-based update system instead of yum.


List of forked packages