From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 23:52, 26 June 2011 by Sundaram (talk | contribs)

Not official
This is not a official list by Fedora. Listing a package here does not mean Fedora Project dislikes the software in any way. Typically any free and open source software without legal issues is welcome in Fedora and including a software in the Fedora repository is not a endorsement of it. It is upto individuals to decide whether to use them or not

Fedora distributes thousands of packages in the repository for convenience of Fedora users. However, a few of the packages have been seen as offensive by some and would like to be avoided. To aid the process a list a list can be seen. These could be added to an exclude option in yum.conf

Offensive Language

Fedora does not ban offensive language in packages.

  • Gestikk -- A mouse gesture program that contains swearing


Fedora does not allow the direct packaging of pornographic material but software used for such purposes is permitted.

  • Gnaughty -- An application designed to download pornography (movies and images). The application downloads such content off the Internet and does not include any such content by itself.


openarena -- A Quake III game that contains violence, may not be suitable for minors.


Some software is religious in nature and other religious groups may dislike them. Individual discretion is advised.


  • bibletime
  • kio_sword
  • sword
  • xiphos


  • minbar
  • libitl