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In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

FESCo Election Results

Brian Pepple announces the results of the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee election[1]:

"The results of the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo) election are in: Bill Nottingham, Kevin Fenzi, Dennis Gilmore, Brian Pepple, and David Woodhouse have been elected to full two-release terms, and Jarod Wilson, Josh Boyer, Jon Stanley and Karsten Hopp have been elected to a one-release term."


Cast your vote for the Fedora 10 Codename!

Josh Boyer reminds folks to vote[1]:

"As long as you have signed the CLA and belong to one additional group in the Fedora Account System, you can cast your vote.

Voting will end and be tallied at 23:59:59 28 July 2008 UTC."


Release Engineering Email Trac Queue Disabled

Jesse Keating announces[1]:

"We have our first development freeze of the Fedora 10 cycle tomorrow. This is the alpha freeze, which is non-blocking. Release Engineering will be making a freeze inside the buildsystem of tomorrow's rawhide content. This will be the basis of the Fedora 10 Alpha release."


Announcing the Fedora OLPC Special Interest Group

Greg DeKoenigsberg announces[1]:

"Thus, I am proud to announce the formation of the Fedora OLPC Special Interest Group. Our mission: to provide the OLPC project with a strong, sustainable, scalable, community-driven base platform for innovation.

Immediate Goals:

1. To identify and take responsible ownership of as many OLPC base packages as possible.

2. To maintain an excellent Sugar environment for Fedora, including a dedicated Sugar spin.

3. To identify useful opportunities for collaboration (infrastructure, localization, etc.)"


Fedora Unity releases updated Fedora 9 Re-Spin

Jeroen van Meeuwen informs us[1]:

"The Fedora Unity Project is proud to announce the release of new ISO Re-Spins (DVD) of Fedora 9.

These Re-Spin ISOs are based on the officially released Fedora 9 installation media and include all updates released as of July 18th, 2008. The ISO images are available for i386 and x86_64 architectures via Jigdo starting Sunday, July 20th, 2008."


Feature Process Improvements

John Poelstra has some excellent news on the feature front[1]:

"I was recently talking with Paul Frields about how to make the feature process more accessible... this combined with feedback in the rpm thread have led to a (hopefully) clearer presentation of how the feature process works."
