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Revision as of 17:21, 25 March 2016 by Giannisk (talk | contribs)

Giannis Konstantinidis

Contact Information


Why do you want to work with the Fedora Project?

Do you have any past involvement with the Fedora Project or another open-source project as a contributor?

Within the Fedora Project

I have been contributing to the Fedora Project for more than six years so far. At the age of fourteen I first became a Fedora Ambassador and also a localization (l10n) contributor shortly afterwards.

I have been representing the Fedora community at several important events and conferences, both domestically and abroad. My recent focus includes community building efforts around EMEA and especially in the Balkans region.

I have been leading the bi-weekly EMEA Ambassadors IRC meetings for more than a year. Back in December 2015, I was elected by the community as part of FAmSCo. Currently I'm acting as the FAmSCo chair.

There has been a very recent interview of me published on the Fedora Magazine, which includes references to my contributions.

Outside the Fedora Project

I have been involved with Mozilla for the last two and a half years. I'm currently one of the Mozilla Reps, promoting the organization's vision for an open web. Lately, I've also become on of the Participation Leaders.

From time to time I've made contributions to several other free & open source projects, including (but not limited to) Apertium, GNOME, Haiku, KDE, LimeSurvey, MoinMoin, OpenIntents, openSUSE, Tux4Kids, Wikipedia and others.

Have you participated in GSoC in the past? If so, what year(s) and which organization(s)?

No, N/A.

Do you plan to continue contributing to the Fedora Project after GSoC? If yes, what sub-project(s) are you interested with?

Haha, definitely. I intend to resume my regular contributions and I'm also up for bigger challenges.

Why should we choose you over other applicants?

Have you contributed to any other open source organizations or projects? If so, do you have artifacts you can show so we can see your skill set(s)?

As I mentioned earlier, I have occasionally made contributions to large projects. These had to do mainly with marketing, outreach and localization, not with code.

However, I have contributed with code to smaller open source projects and communities. You may have a look at some of my public GitHub commits.

Do you have any other open source experience (even if not coding-related)?

Certainly. I would consider myself a free & open source software advocate, being a proud supporter of both movements.

As already mentioned, I have been regularly contributing to the Fedora Project and Mozilla. These contributions have mainly to do with marketing and outreach.

Within my university campus I'm leading a local free & open source software community, called fossaegean. I frequently organize and also deliver presentations related to various open source projects.

Proposal Description

Overview and The Need

Any relevant experience you have

As a contributor to glusterfs I have prior knowledge of the codebase,this would be helping me in integrating the new feature build for the geo-replication over the current features using C and Python wherever required.

How do you intend to implement your proposal

Refactoring will be done in the code base to a certain extent as discussed with the mentor and also the journaling feature - 'changelog' of glusterfs will be customised to serve the file-level synchronization.

A rough timeline for your progress

Final deliverable

Any other details you feel we should consider

I have keen interest increasing my Fedora and FOSS contribution. I also possess good knowledge of the project's codebase and I have been in regular touch with my mentor since path 2 months. link title