From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 07:56, 3 September 2016 by Dhanesh95 (talk | contribs) (Packaging guidelines, package review and upstream releases)

Help wanted!
You can help with this stuff! Join us on #fedora-python on Freenode!

Python Special Interest Group

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language which emphasizes on code readability. Fedora loves Python and this SIG is for people who are interested in Python on Fedora. We aim to address the issues and tasks related to everything-Python on Fedora including:


Mailing lists

Address Function
python-devel General mailing list for all things Python related


Address Function
#fedora-python Python SIG official channel
Read the Zodbot page for helpful IRC commands.

Core Members

See SIGs/Python/Members_list for a list of our current core members.

Join Python SIG

We're always looking for new members to join us. Whether you're a new contributor or someone that's been around since the beginning, there are definitely ways you can help. Join Python SIG and:

  • Build your portfolio by working on real-world projects
  • Learn how to package new Python software
  • Work with teammates from the four corners of the world
  • Broaden your scope of working in open source communities and gain experience interacting in different areas

Join the Python SIG now

Packaging Quickstart

If you're just getting started with packaging Python modules for Fedora, here's some hints to get you started:

  • The Fedora Packaging Guidelines must be followed for any package. The Python specific guidelines are a good starting point.
  • You can generate a spec template for your new python package like this:
    dnf install rpmdevtools && rpmdev-newspec -t python
    That will generate a spec file template that is a good starting point to making your package.
  • When packaging PyPI project you can generate the initial SPEC file using pyp2rpm tool.

Python SIG FAS group

You can add group::python-sig to your package so the core members of the python-sig get notified on each bug in your Python program. This way it is possible to maintain all Python packages with the group permissions, which will simplify general Python cleanup changes.

If there is interest and shown familiarity with our guidelines and processes (which usually manifests in maintaining at least 5 to 10 Python packages) you can apply for having access to a broader group of packages that is commonly maintained. If you choose to apply for this, please discuss it with a sponsor of the python-sig. (You can find a list of those in FAS.)

The current list of packages maintained by the python-sig can be found at the package database.

Python packages awaiting review

If you are one of the experienced Python packgers, you can help with the list of Python packages awaiting review.

  • Bugzilla query for packages which have not passed review with "python" in the name or summary.

Upstream Release Schedules

Python 2.7

Python 3.4

Python 3.5

Python 3.6