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Revision as of 05:54, 26 November 2018 by Jhoanir (talk | contribs)

What is Fedora 29 Release Party

This will be a social event to meet other Fedora users and people curious about Fedora from Imbabura and Ecuador in general, and check out the cool features of the new Fedora 29 release. It will also serve as an opportunity for people to find out what Fedora and free software in general is all about and ask questions of people already involved in the community. It is also a opportunity for students, teachers and others interested people to learn about Fedora and open-source principles and how can they get involved with FOSS/Fedora.

This is a special edition, because it is the first event Fedora Imbabura Community and we will hope to build more in future.


Saturday, December 12, 2018 from 09:30 to 14:00 hrs, see the complete Agenda here.


North Technical University (Universidad Técnica del Norte), is one of the best public university from northern of Ecuador and is the place where is going to celebrate the Fedora 29 Release Party 2018.

Place: North Technical University (Universidad Técnica del Norte), Postgraduate Institute Building (Edificio de Instituto de Posgrado)

Address: Sector El Olivo, Av. 17 de Julio y Gral. José María Córdoba, Ciudad de Ibarra, Ecuador

Auditorium: Postgraduate Institute (Instituto de Posgrado)

See the following map for a better reference: Map in building

In case you want a dynamic map, please use the following links:

Coordinates: 0.3582217,-78.1117234, Instituto de Posgrado, Edificio de Instituto de Posgrado, UTN.


  • A couple of presentations
  • Socializing with other Fedora enthusiasts over lunch and snacks.
  • Installation media (CD/USB) should be available to those that would like to get Fedora or upgrade to Fedora 28.
  • Q & A Session


Expecting ~100-150 people.

Fedora Representative and Event Owner


Hora Tema Expositor
09h30 - 10h00 Recepción & Registro Equipo Fedora Imbabura
10h00 - 10h45 Bienvenida. Introducción al Universo Fedora, El Acceso Libre Al Conocimiento y Software Libre Jhoanir Torres, Embajador Fedora Ecuador
10h45 - 11h15 Exploración de Fedora 29 Elvis Moreta, Fedora Imbabura
11h15 - 11h45 Aprender Python de forma interactiva con Jupyter Notebook Alexander Castro, Fedora Imbabura
11h45 - 12h15 Libera el músico que llevas dentro con Fedora JAM Marcelo Alvarez, Fedora Imbabura
12h15 - 12h45 ¿Cómo proteger la identidad digital ante amenazas en la Internet? Javier Moreno, Fedora Imbabura
12h45 - 13h15 ¿Como preparar un entorno de desarrollo aplicaciones Java EE sobre Fedora 29? Franklin Vallejo, Fedora Imbabura
13h15 - 13h45 Computación científica de código abierto con Fedora SCIENTIFIC Nelson Cacoango, Fedora Imbabura
13h45 - 14h00 Clausura y cierre del evento Jhoanir Torres, Embajador Fedora Ecuador

Note: In order to help us to organize a great event, please be in time, so we can accomplish the programmed schedule.


  • Building

Event report

  • To be published after the event.


  • To be uploaded after the event.

Facebook Event

  • Building


  • Building

Social Networks

  • Building


If you have any question, suggestion or comment, you can contact us through our social networks or please send an email to:, we will come back to you as soon as possible.