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Revision as of 21:18, 10 June 2008 by Goeran (talk | contribs) (LWN is Linux WEEKLY News)

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 130 for the week ending June 8, 2008.

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see our 'join' page. Being a Fedora Weekly News beat writer gives you a chance to work on one of our community's most important sources of news, and can be done in only about 1 hour per week of your time.

Last week, we recruited a new Marketing beat writer, Pascal Calarco!

We are still looking for beat writers to cover the highlights of Fedora Planet each week, Fedora Security Advisories, and to summarize the Fedora Events and Meetings that happened during each week.


In this section, we cover announcements from Fedora Project.

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

Board IRC meeting

Paul Frields announces in fedora-announce-list[1],

"In the past few months, the Board has scheduled a public IRC meeting on the first meeting of the month. Because of the timing of LinuxTag last week, however, there will not be a public Board IRC meeting on Tuesday, June 3. We will announce the next public IRC meeting well in advance so community members can attend if desired."



In this section, we cover Fedora Marketing Project.

Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

Interview with Jim Whitehurst

Rahul Sundaram shared [1] an enlightening interview with Red Hat's CEO Jim Whitehurst [2], who reveals he's been a long-time Fedora user and talks about some of his insights in his first few months at Red Hat.



Screencast Ideas

Michael Beckwith offered an initial list of screencast ideas to explain Fedora features to new users [1], and encourages everyone to add ideas to the wiki page [2]. Michael explained that any Ambassadors interested can "...edit the wiki page and type out what the screencast should cover. Explain with details or an example problem that the screen cast would solve, if necessary." Nicu Buculei forwarded a helpful link [3] to a screencast of how to set up Fedora to create screencasts [4]





Linux Weekly News Recommends Fedora 9 for Laptops over others

Max Spevack forwarded LWN's recent review of five current distributions on an aging Thinkpad X31 and votes Fedora 9 to be the best: "Your editor must now make a choice as to which distribution will remain on these laptops. For the X31, the choice makes itself: Fedora. It works the best while installing only free software."


Fedora contributor video

Jeff Spaleta invited FUDCon attendees to consider bringing laptops with Cheese and video capture to conduct "some candid documentary styled interviews of individual contributors". [1] There was some followup discussion focusing on what questions to ask, concise responses and the ideal outcomes for this experiment. There was some further discussion along these lines of taking longer video using Miro.


Ubuntu 8.04 vs Fedora 9

Valent Turkovic forwarded a comparative review [1] of the latest Ubuntu and Fedora have to offer from PCWorld Australia and summarized in OSNews. The review concludes "For users who are already familiar with Linux, Fedora 9 is an excellent choice. Robust security features and installation options make it somewhat more versatile than Ubuntu, which offers a more streamlined (and therefore more restricted) installation. For most users, though, including millions interested in trying Linux for the first time, Fedora lacks the polish and ready-to-run simplicity of its more popular rival." There were a significant number of comments on this last statement in the comments section on OSNews.



In this section, we cover Fedora Ambassadors Project.

Contributing Writer: Jeffrey Tadlock

LinuxTag Reports

The event reports from LinuxTag 2008 in Berlin, Germany have been rolling in to the Ambassadors mailing list and blog posts across Planet Fedora. From all of the excellent event reports and pictures the Fedora booth appears to have been a huge success. Be sure to check out the reports and pictures [1] and see the results for yourself.


Fedora Open Day 2008

Pawel Sadowski reported [1] on the Fedora and Red Hat Open Day 2008 held in Cracow, Poland. The event included talks on Fedora Project, One Laptop Per Child, KDE4, SELinux and more. Don't miss the pictures [2] from the event either.



Event Box Revisited

Jeffrey Tadlock revived [1] talks on an Event Box [2] for Fedora Ambassadors. The event box is a shipping crate filled with things to help provide a booth-in-a-box for people organizing a Fedora booth at an event. If this sounds like something that would be useful to you - please drop by the thread [1] and post your comments.




In this section, we cover Fedora Artwork Project.

Contributing Writer: Nicu Buculei

Further development for F10 theme proposals

Planning the theme proposals for Fedora 10 [1] is a continual development and we are in the first round of the process for this release. This week the most notable is an update to the Neon theme [2] in a photomanipulation from Mairin Duffy [3] wich generated a healthy discussion.

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Echo icons creation: tutorials

In last week's issue [1] we covered an intiative to create documentation (tips and tricks, tutorials, videos) to help getting new contributors up to speed with creating icons for Fedora's upcoming Echo theme. This week Martin Sourada posts [3] a very good tutorial "Creating Echo Icons with On the Table Perspective" which is very quickly turned by Nicu Buculei in a screencast [5].

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