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There is yet another reason to buy the PlayStation 3 game console. Linux is supported on the game console. Fedora supports the console via the PowerPC, PPC, architecture. You may be interested in this page, if you are trying to install Fedora 8 on the PlayStation console. There is a bug that prevents loading Fedora 8 on the PS3 console. You may also find this page of interest because it pulls together information required to build an PPC oriented International Standards Organization, ISO, iso9660 file. The normal i386 mkisofs or genisoimage command sequences will not work for the PPC ISOs. After the ISO images has been created, you can use your favorite CD burning software to create a CD-R or CD-R/W disk.

If the PlayStation is your first PowerPC platform because you have always purchased x86 hardware, the procedure outline in this guide will also allow you to prepare a PPC ISO without having a working PPC Linux installation. Moreover, after the PPC Fedora installation is up and running additional customizations can be made to these files by making changes and compiling the code on your shinny new PPC platform, the PlayStation.

The strategy of this PlayStation/Ps3ReSpin page is as follows

  • Prepare a work area.
  • Download packages and other files to perform the respin.
  • Learn about the PlayStation requirements to add or updated software.
  • Learn about the PlayStation support for Linux.
  • Perform an Anaconda network or Media install.
  • Create kick start files to simplify the installation of the programs on the PlayStation console.

Links for revision

TODO move the rest of these links somewhere.

Install Fedora Tools

You may have not installed all the Fedora packages that will be required for this guide. The commands show the Command Line Interface, CLI, yum tool command. You may used the Graphical User Interface, GUI, too found at "Applications > Add Remove / Software", if you prefer.


  • mkisofs is now provided by the genisofs pakcage. If you are familiar with the mkisofs command, then you can still use the mkisofs command versions the genisofs command.
  • cdrecord is now provided by the wodim package. The same applies to the cdrecord command as the mkisofs.
  • The mount and umount commands are provided by the util-linux package.
yum install git tree genisofs wodim util-linux tar unzip

Prepare Respin Area

The process of mastering an ISO file from an existing ISO has picked up the name of respinning. The initial ISO may be addressed as spinning an ISO. Perhaps the visual picture is throwing mud on a potter's wheel and spinning a new vase. Just as a person has to have a work area for creating a vase, We'll need to create a set of directories to assist with the customization of the boot.iso, or respinning the boot.iso file. These steps can be applied to the whole PowerPC DVD that the Fedora project creates.

First, we'll need to use a location with around 500 meg. If you download the PPC DVD ISO in the working area, then a location with 5gig will be required. You can pick any location that has enough space. For this tutorial, we'll create a new location of the root, /, filesystem that simplifies pathing instructions. Please replace the /prs in these instructions with your desired path. /prs stands for PowerPC Re-spin.

Directory intent:

  • downloads - For ISO and other files.
  • ppbootrespin - the working directory for the ISO image before and ISO is created.
  • ppcbootmnt - A place to mount ISOs so that we can extract files.
  • ppcbootiso - A place for extracted files to be aggregated.
su - root
mkdir -p /prs
mkdir -p /prs/downloads
mkdir -p /prs/downloads/ozlabs
mkdir -p /prs/ppcbootrespin
mkdir -p /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8saddon
mkdir -p /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot
mkdir -p /prs/ppcbootmnt
mkdir -p /prs/ppcbootiso
mkdir -p /prs/ppcbootiso/f8iso
mkdir -p /prs/ppcbootiso/f8unspun
mkdir -p /prs/ppcbootiso/saddon
mkdir -p /prs/ppcbootiso/ppcboot
mkdir -p /prs/ppcbootiso/petitboot
mkdir -p /prs/ppcbootiso/petitboot/otheros
mkdir -p /prs/ppcbootiso/PS3
mkdir -p /prs/ppcbootiso/PS3/UPDATE
mkdir -p /prs/ppcbootiso/PS3/THEME
mkdir -p /prs/ppcbootiso/PS3/otheros

The tree command provides the following output. Please examine your directory structure so that it matches the guides steps.

tree /prs
|-- downloads
|-- ppcbootiso
|   |-- PS3
|   |   |-- THEME
|   |   |-- UPDATE
|   |   <code>-- otheros
|   |-- f8iso
|   |-- f8unspun
|   |-- petitboot
|   |   <code>-- otheros
|   |-- ppcboot
|   <code>-- saddon
|-- ppcbootmnt
<code>-- ppcbootrespin
|-- f8petitboot
<code>-- f8saddon

PlayStation Update Directories

It is important to stop and understand the PS3 set of directories.

<code>-- otheros

The PS3 directories shown above must match the capitalization and the directory naming convention. Eventually, the PS3 set of directories will be filled in with other files with a required naming convention. Finally, the respinning of the ISO will move this directory so that it is directly under the root of the CD that is burned. There are other ways of matching this directory scheme. For example, the same set of directories can be placed on a USB hard drive or on a USB thumb drive. Creating the ISO and CDs allows us to have several PS3 configurations for different purposes.

Download Media

We'll need to download a number of files to create our respin files. The Fedora project cannot package some of the files that are are required to update the PlayStation's firmware. At a minimum, the PlayStation must be at firmware version 1.60. The PlayStation/Ps3ReSpin page was written at the time when firmware 2.0 was available. Fireware 2.0 also allows for the creation of user themes. The PlayStation/Ps3ReSpin also downloads the three themes that are available circa November 2007.

Download Fedora PPC ISO

Please pick a mirror or BitTorrent tracker from the Fedora download page. You'll want to download the PPC DVD media. If you are using a tool like wget, ftp, or Bit torrent, then we'll need to change into this guides download area. If you use a web browser, then perform a File > Save Link As operation and select /prs/downloads as the directory location. Don't forget to also download the sha1aum file too.

cd /prs/downloads

Now use your favorite download method of choice and start both the Fedora PPC DVD ISO and md5sum download. Make sure that the files are downloaded to the /prs/downloads area.

Use the ls command to examine the directory contents after the downloads.


The output of the ls command shows two files after downloading both the ISO and the sha1sum file. The download directory should look like this. Naturally, the DVD ISO file name will change with each release of Fedora.

Fedora-8-ppc-DVD.iso  ozlabs  SHA1SUM

Now we need to test that the ISO was successfully downloaded via the sha1sum command. Our work will be based off a good download. It will always wise to use either an md5sum or sha1sum after downloading a larger file!

sha1sum -c SHA1SUM

If you did not know, the sha1sum command allows you to reference the SHA1SUM file so that you don't have to manually compare the two strings of hexadecimal numbers. The output for the Fedora 8 ISO follows.

Fedora-8-ppc-DVD.iso: OK
sha1sum: Fedora-8-ppc-rescuecd.iso: No such file or directory
Fedora-8-ppc-rescuecd.iso: FAILED open or read
sha1sum: WARNING: 1 of 2 listed files could not be read

Multiple files are listed in the Fedora SHA1SUM files. All you are looking for is the OK response next to the ISO that you will be using as the output above shows. As the output notes, we'll not be using the rescuecd.iso file so it was OK that the sha1sum command "FAILED open or read" on that file.

Download petitboot

The petitboot current maintainer's page is located here He also has some additional information that may be of use here As of November 2007, the petitboot home page is located here

As of November 2007, the current petitboot kexec otheros.bld file that we need to download is located here.

Use your favorite download method of choice and start the ozlabs petitboot otheros.bld file download. Make sure that the file is downloaded to the /prs/download/ozlabs area. Since the PlayStation update system requires the file to be named otheros.bld, an ozlabs directory was created. This allows us to work with multiple otheros.bld files but not overwrite them during the download process.

Make sure that you are in the root of the downloads directory.

cd /prs/downloads

An ls command with both the long and human options is used next.

ls -lh *

The output of the ls command as of November 2007 shows the following information.

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3.9G 2007-11-17 13:57 Fedora-8-ppc-DVD.iso
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  367 2007-11-17 16:02 SHA1SUM

total 3.6M
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.6M 2007-11-18 15:17 otheros.bld

The important thing to observe in the ozlabs directory is that the otheros.bld file is less than or equal to four megabytes. The PlayStation flash area only provides a four megabyte flash area for the OtherOS mode of the console to boot from. Both the petitboot and PlayStation addon ISO use a Linux feature called kernel exec or kexec to comply with this four megabyte limitation. The addon ISO allows us to get to the raw command line features that are desirable at times while the petitboot kexec presents a graphical interface to the OtherOS boot process on the PlayStation. petitboot is perfect for the Wife Acceptance Factor, WAF.

Download Sony ADD-ON ISO

The PlayStation addon CD is a wealth of information for PlayStation owners. One of the utilities that we want to get off the CD is the raw otheros.bld file. Just like all CDs distributed on the Internet, the CD is available in ISO format. As of November 2007, the maintainer of many PlayStation kernel patches is located here

As of November 2007, there are two files two download. These are the ADDON.iso file and the ADDON.md5sum file. Note how there's a date in the file. Expect frequent updates to the two files. You'll always want to select the most recently dated ADDON.iso file and its matching md5sum file.

Similar to the Fedora DVD downloand we'll put the ADDON.iso and ADDON.md5sum file in our downloads area.

cd /prs/downloads

Now use your favorite download method of choice and start both the ADDON.iso and ADDON.md5sum download. Make sure that the files are downloaded to the /prs/downloads area.

Use the ls command to examine the directory contents after the downloads.


The output of the ls command shows two files after downloading both the ISO and the sha1sum file. The download directory should look like this. Naturally, the DVD ISO file name will change with each release of either Fedora or the ADDON ISO.

CELL-Linux-CL_20071023-ADDON.iso     Fedora-8-ppc-DVD.iso  SHA1SUM
CELL-Linux-CL_20071023-ADDON.md5sum  ozlabs

Now we need to test that the ADDON.iso file was successfully downloaded via the md5sum command. Our work will be based off a good download. It will always wise to use either an md5sum or sha1sum after downloading a larger file!

md5sum -c CELL-Linux-CL_20071023-ADDON.md5sum

If you did not know, just like the sha1sum command used earlier, the md5sum command allows you to reference a msd5sum file so that you don't have to manually compare the two strings of hexadecimal numbers. The output for the CELL-Linux-CL_20071023-ADDON ISO follows.

CELL-Linux-CL_20071023-ADDON.iso: OK

The md5sum command says that the ADDON.iso file is good based on the OK response next the ADDON.iso filename. So we can proceed.

Download Sony Firmware

Currently information about the PlayStation 2.0 firmware is located at Both the PC instructions and the firmware download file can be found on this page Look for several sentences similar to "Download the update data and save it in the UPDATE folder created in step 1. Select here to start the download."

Eventually, we'll be using the GameOS mode of the PlayStation to configure our handy work. The official PlayStation way of performing just the GameOS updates can be found here. This link provides information on the required update directory structure that we have implemented in our "Prepare Re-Spin Area of this document".

Since there is only one firmware file with a required naming convention, we'll download this file directly into our PS3/UPDATE directory. If you desire you may want to save a copy of this file elsewhere. For example, you may want to save the PS3UPDAT.PUP as PS3UPDAT.PUP.200 in the downloads directory.

cd /prs/ppcbootiso/PS3/UPDATE

Now use your favorite download method of choice and start the PS3UPDAT.PUP firmware download. Make sure that the file is downloaded to /prs/ppcbootiso/PS3/UPDATE directory.

Use the ls command to examine the directory contents after the download.


The output of the ls command shows the required firmware file.


Download Sony Themes

The 2.0 PlayStation firmware allows theme to be used. We'll also download the three free themes that are available November 2007. You can read more about this feature here . This page also has the links to the three initial themes that can be used in GameOS mode.

Click between the two square brackets on the PlayStation 2.0 firmware update page to start the zip downloads .

The PlayStation 2.0 firmware update page also provides the instructions on how to install and configure the themes in GameOS mode. In addition, this link provides the required theme directory structure that we have implemented in our "Prepare Re-Spin Area of this document".

We'll download these themes like all the other downloads except the PS3UPDAT.PUP firmware file. The theme files are zipped and have to be process before using them.

cd /prs/downloads

Now use your favorite download method of choice and start the,, and the theme downloads.

Use the ls command to examine the directory contents after the theme file downloads.


The output of the ls command shows the three theme files along with all the other downloads that we have accumulated so far.

CELL-Linux-CL_20071023-ADDON.iso     Fedora-8-ppc-DVD.iso
CELL-Linux-CL_20071023-ADDON.md5sum            SHA1SUM                       ozlabs

Download Anaconda Support Files

There are files in the Anaconda installer projects software repository that will be required. It is easier to just use the git Source Code Management, SCM, tool to select these files than to have you type the content of the files in by hand. We'll need to extract the magic and mapping files that are used to create the PowerPC way of buring ISOs. These are the same files used to create the normal Fedora ISO images.

The first step is to use git to extract the current Anaconda software. The git command will run for a bit.

cd /prs/downloads
git clone git://

The git output will look something like the following.

Initialized empty Git repository in /prs/downloads/anaconda/.git/
remote: Generating pack...
remote: Done counting 90471 objects.
remote: Deltifying 90471 objects.
remote:  100% (90471/90471) done
Indexing 90471 objects...
remote: Total 90471, written 90471 (delta 68229), reused 90225 (delta 68059)
100% (90471/90471) done
Resolving 68229 deltas...
100% (68229/68229) done
Checking 561 files out...
100% (561/561) done

Use the ls command to examine the root of the downloads directory contents after the anaconda git clone command.


The output of the ls command shows the final organization of our download directory based on the November 2007 downloads. The files will be similar but they will change in the future as new releases of these projects occur.

anaconda                           ozlabs
CELL-Linux-CL_20071023-ADDON.iso     Fedora-8-ppc-DVD.iso
CELL-Linux-CL_20071023-ADDON.md5sum            SHA1SUM

Process Downloaded Files

Now that all the files have been downloaded, it is time to process the files by extracting selected files or unzipping the archives that the downloads came in.

Add The Firmware 2.0 Themes

If you desire, you can add the new PlayStation 2.0 Themes to the PS3 directory. If you do not have direct access to the Internet via the PlayStation console, then this step will allow you to add themes to the console. The themes are for when the PlayStation is in GameOS mode and not OtherOS, or Linux mode.

cd /prs/ppcbootiso/PS3/THEME
unzip /prs/downloads/
Archive:  /prs/downloads/
inflating: ClassyPink.p3t
unzip /prs/downloads/
Archive:  /prs/downloads/
inflating: Pixels.p3t
unzip /prs/downloads/
Archive:  /prs/downloads/
inflating: Nature.p3t

Use the ls command to examine the unzipped theme files.


The ls command's output shows the p3t theme files.

ClassyPink.p3t  Nature.p3t  Pixels.p3t

Back out of the working directory with the cd command.


PS3 Update Complete

After the themes were added to the /prs/ppcbootiso/PS3/THEME directory, the PS3 directory is now complete. Remember that the PS3UPDAT.PUP file was downloaded directly into the PS3/UPDATE directory. The PS3 directory will be used as a template directory and be copied to other ISO directories. As PlayStation themes or firmware updates are provided, then you'll want to add them to the PS3 directory just like we did earlier. After that you can update date your ISO files and burn new CDs.

Extract Anaconda PPC Files

Now we can copy the required PowerPC ISO support files to one of our other working directories.

cd /prs/downloads/anaconda/bootdisk/ppc

The ls, list files, command produces the following output showing the files that we're interested in.

bootinfo.txt  mapping   TRANS.TBL
magic         ofboot.b  yaboot.conf.3264

Copy the files to the ppcboot directory.

cp * /prs/ppcbootiso/ppcboot

Extract The boot.iso File

Extract the boot.iso that will be the center of our respin efforts.

mount -t iso9660 -o loop /prs/downloads/Fedora-8-ppc-DVD.iso /prs/ppcbootmnt/
cd /prs/ppcbootmnt/

The ls, list files, command produces the following output of the Fedora DVD PPC ISO root directory.

etc         README-BURNING-ISOS-en_US.txt  RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-rawhide
fedora.css  RELEASE-NOTES-en_US.html       RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-test
GPL         repodata                       RPM-GPG-KEY-rawhide
images      repoview                       stylesheet-images
media.repo  RPM-GPG-KEY                    TRANS.TBL
Packages    RPM-GPG-KEY-beta
ppc         RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora

The boot.iso file is in the images directory. The images directory contains various boot image files in a verity of formats. Enter the images directory with the change directory command, cd.

cd images

The ls, list files, command produces the following output showing the files that we're interested in.

boot.iso  minstg2.img  netboot  stage2.img  TRANS.TBL

Copy the boot.iso file to the Fedora iso directory.

cp boot.iso /prs/ppcbootiso/f8iso

Backout of the mount directory so that we can unmount the iso file.


Now unmount the Fedora iso.

umount /prs/ppcbootmnt

Extract The Sony Add-on ISO Files

In a similar fashion we'll mount the addon.iso file and extract a file from it too.

mount -t iso9660 -o loop /prs/downloads/CELL-Linux-CL_20071023-ADDON.iso /prs/ppcbootmnt/
cd /prs/ppcbootmnt

boot           CHANGES-j.txt  etc  README-e.txt  src     TRANS.TBL
CHANGES-e.txt  doc            PS3  README-j.txt  target  wifi

cp -R PS3 /prs/ppcbootiso/saddon
ls -l /prs/ppcbootiso/saddon/

dr-xr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2007-11-16 16:44 PS3

Backout of the mount directory so that we can unmount the iso file.


Now unmount the add-on iso.

umount /prs/ppcbootmnt

Remove The Add-on CD TRANS.TBL Files

cd /prs/ppcbootiso/saddon/

The first find command shows the ISO file system related TRANS.TBL files that you will be deleting. It is OK to delete these files now because when the ISO image is created again the TRANS.TBL files will be rebuilt.

find . -name TRANS.TBL -print


Perform the ISO TRANS.TBL file deletion with the second find command.

find . -name TRANS.TBL -exec rm -f {} \;

After the find deletion command, the third and final find command will not report any files that are named TRANS.TBL. "Great success"

find . -name TRANS.TBL -print

Back out of the working directory with the cd command.


Position The Petitboot File

The petitboot maintainer creates just the otheros.bld file. Presuming that you copied the file with wget or a web browser to a download area, we'll now stage the file in our working directories.

cd /prs/ppcbootiso/petitboot/otheros
cp /prs/downloads/ozlabs/otheros.bld .

Unspin A Copy Of boot.iso

Now it is time to extract the files from the boot.iso file or as the section header says, upspin the files in the ISO file.

mount -t iso9660 -o loop /prs/ppcbootiso/f8iso/boot.iso /prs/ppcbootmnt/
cd /prs/ppcbootmnt/

The ls command reports this files in the root directory of the mounted Fedora boot.iso file.

etc  images  ppc  TRANS.TBL

The boot.iso file does not contain as many files as the full DVD. You could perform this same procedure on the DVD too. The only thing that you have to remember is to have enough working space for the extracted files. The copy command used the recursive copy option, -R, to make sure that all files and subdirectories are copied.

cp -aRf . /prs/ppcbootiso/f8unspun

Backout of the mount directory so that we can unmount the iso file.


Now unmount the Fedora boot.iso file.

umount /prs/ppcbootmnt

Remove The boot.iso TRANS.TBL Files

cd /prs/ppcbootiso/f8unspun

The first find command shows the ISO file system related TRANS.TBL files that you will be deleting. It is OK to delete these files now because when the ISO image is created again the TRANS.TBL files will be rebuilt.

find . -name TRANS.TBL -print


Perform the ISO TRANS.TBL file deletion with the second find command.

find . -name TRANS.TBL -exec rm -f {} \;

After the find deletion command, the third and final find command will not report any files that are named TRANS.TBL. "Great success"

find . -name TRANS.TBL -print

Back out of the working directory with the cd command.


Create the PlayStation Update Structure

The boot.iso that has been extracted into the f8unspun directory needs a copy of our PS3 template directory. The PS3 now contains both the firmware and themes.

cd /prs/ppcbootiso/f8unspun

Copy the required PlayStation 3 directory structure to the unspun directory.

cp -aRf /prs/ppcbootiso/PS3 .

The output of the ls command shows are added PS3 update directory in the f8unspun directory.

etc  images  ppc  PS3

Check The Unspun Directory Files

The modified unspun directory structure is displayed via the tree command. If you did not add the PS3 firmware update file or any of the themes that are available with the 2.0 firmware, then both your THEME and UPDATE directory will be empty.

cd /prs/ppcbootiso/
tree f8unspun

Note that the otheros directory will be filled in during the next step of the procedure. There should be no files under the otheros directory at this point. The output of the f8unspun directory will look like the following, if you added all the firmware and theme files.

|-- PS3
|   |-- THEME
|   |   |-- ClassyPink.p3t
|   |   |-- Nature.p3t
|   |   <code>-- Pixels.p3t
|   |-- UPDATE
|   |   <code>-- PS3UPDAT.PUP
|   <code>-- otheros
|-- etc
|   <code>-- yaboot.conf
|-- images
|   <code>-- netboot
|       |-- ppc32.img
|       <code>-- ppc64.img
<code>-- ppc
|-- bootinfo.txt
|-- chrp
|   <code>-- yaboot
|-- mac
|   |-- ofboot.b
|   <code>-- yaboot
|-- ppc32
|   |-- ramdisk.image.gz
|   |-- vmlinuz
|   <code>-- yaboot.conf
<code>-- ppc64
|-- ramdisk.image.gz
|-- vmlinuz
<code>-- yaboot.conf

12 directories, 17 files

We want to leave the f8unspun directory as a template. We'll use this directory to copy to two other directories. In these other directories will add Kernel Exec, kexec, customizations. The kexec customizations provide a unique boot environment. Exit the template directory with the cd command.


Initialize ISO Master Directories

Since the media containing the PS3 directory can have only one set of update files, we'll prepare two ISO directories with primarily too different otheros.bld files. The process of arranging the files in an ISO directory before the files are burned to the actual CD is sometimes called mastering.

Create the Petitboot Master

cd /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot
cp -aRf /prs/ppcbootiso/f8unspun/* .

cd PS3/otheros
cp /prs/ppcbootiso/petitboot/otheros/otheros.bld .

Backout of the working directory so that we can move to the next iso directory.


Create the PlayStation Add-on Master

cd /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8saddon
cp -aRf /prs/ppcbootiso/f8unspun/* .

cd PS3/otheros
cp /prs/ppcbootiso/saddon/PS3/otheros/otheros.bld .

Backout of the working directory.


Create The Actual ISO Files

In this step we package all the files into a bootable ISO file. This is the last step before a physical CD is created to use in the PlayStation consol.

Go to the ISO Output Directory

Change into the directory where the iso files will be placed.

TODO: Add note about the mkisofs paths and wackiness.

cd /prs/ppcbootrespin

Create The Fedora pettiboot ISO

NOTE: this works now but must be revised for the guide.

/usr/bin/mkisofs -v -U -J -R -T -part -hfs -r -l -sysid PPC -no-desktop \
-allow-multidot -chrp-boot \
-map /prs/ppcbootiso/ppcboot/mapping \
-magic /prs/ppcbootiso/ppcboot/magic \
-hfs-bless /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/ppc/mac \
-V "F8 ppc respin" -o f8petitboot.iso \

Create The Fedora ADD-ON ISO

NOTE: this works now but must be revised for the guide.

/usr/bin/mkisofs -v -U -J -R -T -part -hfs -r -l -sysid PPC -no-desktop \
-allow-multidot -chrp-boot \
-map /prs/ppcbootiso/ppcboot/mapping \
-magic /prs/ppcbootiso/ppcboot/magic \
-hfs-bless /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8saddon/ppc/mac \
-V "F8 ppc respin" -o f8saddon.iso \

TODO The rest of this section needs major revisions.

WARNING I pasted this code in here after I had a successful ISO creation. I still need to revise this section after finally pulling all the information together.

TODO need a required release of mkisofs or genisoimage.

mkisofs -version
mkisofs 2.01 is not what you see here. This line is only a fake for too clever
GUIs and other frontend applications. In fact, this program is:
genisoimage 1.1.6 (Linux)

cd /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot
mkisofs -r -T -J -V "f8 bt.iso petit respin" -b images/bootdisk.img -c isolinux/ -o ../f8petitboot.iso .

mkisofs -o ../f8petitboot.iso -chrp-boot -U  -prep-boot ppc/chrp/yaboot -part -hfs -T -r -l -J  -A "Fedora 8" -sysid PPC -V "f8 bt.iso petit respin" -volset 4 -volset-size 1  -volset-seqno 1 -hfs-volid 4 -hfs-bless $(pwd)/ppc/ppc  -map mapping -magic magic -no-desktop -allow-multidot \ $(pwd)/ppc

cd /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8saddon
mkisofs -r -T -J -V "f8 bt.iso sadon respin" -b images/bootdisk.img -c isolinux/ -o ../f8sonyaddonboot.iso .

/usr/bin/mkisofs -v -U -J -R -T -part -hfs -r -l -sysid PPC -no-desktop -allow-multidot -chrp-boot -map /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/boot/mapping -magic /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/boot/magic -hfs-bless /srv/pungi/f7gold/7/Fedora/ppc/os/ppc/mac -V "Fedora 7 ppc DVD" -o /srv/pungi/f7gold/7/Fedora/ppc/iso/F-7-ppc-DVD.iso /srv/pungi/f7gold/7/Fedora/ppc/os

Sample mkisofs output

/usr/bin/mkisofs -v -U -J -R -T -part -hfs -r -l -sysid PPC -no-desktop \
>         -allow-multidot -chrp-boot \
>         -map /prs/ppcbootiso/ppcboot/mapping \
>         -magic /prs/ppcbootiso/ppcboot/magic \
>         -hfs-bless /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/ppc/mac \
>         -V "F8 ppc respin" -o  ../f8petitboot.iso \
>         /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot
This program has been compiled without magic library support.
Ignoring the -magic option.
Warning: creating filesystem that does not conform to ISO-9660.
genisoimage 1.1.6 (Linux)
Scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot
Scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/etc
Scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/ppc
Scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/ppc/ppc32
Scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/ppc/chrp
Scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/ppc/mac
Scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/ppc/ppc64
Scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/PS3
Scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/PS3/THEME
Scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/PS3/UPDATE
Scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/PS3/otheros
Scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/images
Scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/images/netboot
Creating HFS Volume info
HFS scanning
HFS scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/PS3
HFS scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/PS3/THEME
HFS scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/PS3/UPDATE
HFS scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/PS3/otheros
HFS scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/etc
HFS scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/images
HFS scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/images/netboot
HFS scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/ppc
HFS scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/ppc/chrp
Blessing mac (/prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/ppc/mac)
HFS scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/ppc/mac
HFS scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/ppc/ppc32
HFS scanning /prs/ppcbootrespin/f8petitboot/ppc/ppc64
Creating HFS Label
Creating 1 PReP boot partition(s)
CHRP boot partition 1
Writing:   HFS volume header                       Start Block 0
Done with: HFS volume header                       Block(s)    8
Writing:   Initial Padblock                        Start Block 8
Done with: Initial Padblock                        Block(s)    8
Writing:   Primary Volume Descriptor               Start Block 16
Done with: Primary Volume Descriptor               Block(s)    1
Writing:   Joliet Volume Descriptor                Start Block 17
Done with: Joliet Volume Descriptor                Block(s)    1
Writing:   End Volume Descriptor                   Start Block 18
Done with: End Volume Descriptor                   Block(s)    1
Writing:   Version block                           Start Block 19
Done with: Version block                           Block(s)    1
Writing:   Path table                              Start Block 20
Done with: Path table                              Block(s)    4
Writing:   Joliet path table                       Start Block 24
Done with: Joliet path table                       Block(s)    4
Writing:   Directory tree                          Start Block 28
Done with: Directory tree                          Block(s)    13
Writing:   Joliet directory tree                   Start Block 41
Done with: Joliet directory tree                   Block(s)    13
Writing:   Directory tree cleanup                  Start Block 54
Done with: Directory tree cleanup                  Block(s)    0
Writing:   Extension record                        Start Block 54
Done with: Extension record                        Block(s)    1
Writing:   The File(s)                             Start Block 55
5.49% done, estimate finish Sat Nov 17 09:42:51 2007
10.98% done, estimate finish Sat Nov 17 09:42:14 2007
16.46% done, estimate finish Sat Nov 17 09:41:56 2007
21.95% done, estimate finish Sat Nov 17 09:41:47 2007
27.44% done, estimate finish Sat Nov 17 09:41:38 2007
32.92% done, estimate finish Sat Nov 17 09:41:35 2007
38.41% done, estimate finish Sat Nov 17 09:41:30 2007
43.89% done, estimate finish Sat Nov 17 09:41:29 2007
49.38% done, estimate finish Sat Nov 17 09:41:26 2007
54.86% done, estimate finish Sat Nov 17 09:41:25 2007
60.36% done, estimate finish Sat Nov 17 09:41:25 2007
65.83% done, estimate finish Sat Nov 17 09:41:23 2007
71.33% done, estimate finish Sat Nov 17 09:41:23 2007
76.80% done, estimate finish Sat Nov 17 09:41:22 2007
82.30% done, estimate finish Sat Nov 17 09:41:21 2007
87.78% done, estimate finish Sat Nov 17 09:41:21 2007
93.26% done, estimate finish Sat Nov 17 09:41:20 2007
Total extents actually written (inc HFS) = 91000
(Size of ISO volume = 88206, HFS extra = 2794)
Total translation table size: 6603
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 5233
Total directory bytes: 24576
Path table size(bytes): 172
Done with: The File(s)                             Block(s)    90945
Writing:   Ending Padblock                         Start Block 91000
Done with: Ending Padblock                         Block(s)    150
Max brk space used 0
91150 extents written (178 MB)

Burn the ISO Files


Next Steps

The CDs are ready for the next step. Please see the PlayStation/LinuxConfiguration for the next steps in the process.


TODO add a thanks for all the people that posting information to create the document.