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Revision as of 17:44, 6 April 2012 by Thecreationist (talk | contribs) (Integrating Proxy Settings and Network Connections)
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Contact Information

Email Address: Telephone: 919808764997 Blog URL: Freenode IRC Nick: THEcreationist

Why do you want to work with the Fedora Project?

Ans. I am a full hearted supporter of open source and fedora is my favorite platform, that I have been using for quite a long time.

Do you have any past involvement with the Fedora project or another open source project as a contributor?

Ans. Not with the fedora project, but I have participated in other open source projects. In fact, I have implemented them from the scratch. Henity (Haskell based GUI elements for shell coders) is one such project ( There is another project (which has not been well maintained though) namely Web Based Election Management System with Biometric Authentication (WEMS) at I have implemented a system for face expression recognition using curvelet transforms, and will be releasing it soon in the public domain.

Did you participate with the past GSoC programs, if so which years, which organizations?

Ans. No, I am participating in GSoC for the first time.

Will you continue contributing/ supporting the Fedora project after the GSoC 2012 program, if yes, which team(s), you are interested with?

Ans. Yes, I am very much willing to keep contributing to the fedora project on a regular basis. I am specifically interested in Fedora Design and Fedora SIGs teams.

Why should we choose you over other applicants?

Ans. The most important reason is my enthusiasm toward improving Linux systems (especially Fedora). I have abandoned nearly all commercial closed source software and been working with their open source alternatives or designing my own workarounds. So, I am very much into the project. The technical reason is that I have been using Fedora for quite a log time, and been playing around with fedora networking system. So, I posses some technical background on the problem at hand.