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Revision as of 22:57, 15 December 2012 by Cschmittiey (talk | contribs)

This Cookbook will get you started with installing Ruby, and creating simple "Hello, World" projects with some popular frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Shoes, Sinatra, and others.

This cookbook is based off of a factory-fresh Fedora 18 (Beta) release.

Getting Started

First off, we'll install Ruby. Open a terminal (by going to Applications -> System -> Terminal) and type the following:

sudo yum install ruby

Type in your password. When you should see something like this:

Total download size: 3.8 M
Installed size: 12 M
Is this ok [y/N]:

Type y, then press enter. After Ruby is installed, type irb in the terminal.

When you typed irb into Terminal, you started a program that is called Interactive Ruby. This interprets ruby code interactively, and is great for debugging or trying new code out.