Cockpit Management Console
The Fedora Server Product will ship the Cockpit Project as available by default, providing an approachable tool for system management.
- Name: Stephen Gallagher
- Email:
- Name: Marius Vollmer
- Name: Stef Walter
- Release notes owner:
- Product: Fedora Server
- Responsible WG: Fedora Server WG
Current status
- Targeted release: Fedora 21
- Last updated: 2014-04-01
- Tracker bug: <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
Detailed Description
Cockpit is a server manager that makes it easy to administer your GNU/Linux servers via a web browser.
Easy to use
Cockpit is perfect for new sysadmins, allowing them to easily perform simple tasks such as storage administration, inspecting journals and starting and stopping services.
No interference
Jumping between the terminal and the web tool is no problem. A service started via Cockpit can be stopped via the terminal. Likewise, if an error occurs in the terminal, it can be seen in the Cockpit journal interface.
You can monitor and administer several servers at the same time. Just add them with a single click and your machines will look after its buddies.
Benefit to Fedora
Fedora Server will benefit from having a simple and powerful graphical interface for managing systems. This will make Fedora Server more approachable to less-experienced administrators, as well as providing a set of new tools for veterans.
Some of the specific capabilities that Cockpit provides:
- Please
- fill
- in
There are three primary goals for the initial release of Cockpit in Fedora Server. In descending order of importance:
- Inclusion of Cockpit as part of the default (not necessarily minimal) install set for Fedora Server
- Support for deploying and configuring the Domain Controller Server Role.
- Support for deploying and configuring the Database Server Role.
- Proposal owners:
- Support for a modular architecture (to support role-deployment snap-ins)
- [more]
- Other developers: Support for Server Roles provided by the Server SIG
- Release engineering: Inclusion of cockpit into comps.xml
- Policies and guidelines: N/A
Upgrade/compatibility impact
As Fedora 21 will be the first version of Fedora Server, there will be no existing system from which to upgrade.
This Change should have no impact on users upgrading from Fedora 20 (with no Product identification).
How To Test
<Cockpit devs: please fill in>
User Experience
Users will have access to a powerful web-based user interface for managing their system.
Contingency Plan
- Contingency mechanism: (What to do? Who will do it?)
- If portions of the above goals cannot be completed, they will be dropped from the bottom-up.
- Contingency deadline: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
- Blocks release? Yes
- Blocks product? Fedora Server
- Shipping Cockpit on the default media of Fedora Server is blocking. The other goals are not.