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How I started using fedora.

I bought a laptop 3 years ago. I found out that the model I selected got 3000 INR cheaper if I buy it without the default Operating system. So I asked them to give it without Windows. Once I bought the laptop, I managed to get the copy of Windows via some other source which is illegal. But I wasn't happy with Windows. Computer was slow, Virus problems, and windows started bugging me to... ...activate it. So that is when I heard about Debian, borrowed the DVD from a friend, and I loved it. Then I requested for Ubuntu DVD and I used it for a short while, then BOSS GNU/Linux for a short while. Once I started trying out many options, I wanted to use the latest options. I heard about fedora 17 with GNOME3 , but then I couldn't request for a DVD / CD. So I downloaded it. It was the first distro I downloaded from internet and it took me almost a week to download the ISO. It was in Jan 2013 I guess when I downloaded and installed Fedora for the first time.

 Then you know how it is. Once you start using it, you will start loving it. (There were times when I went back to BOSS for a while;  I tried other options and still I try many other distros, but fedora is my primary OS. )