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Revision as of 12:04, 2 February 2009 by Pfrields (talk | contribs) (minor editing oops)

If you would like to be a speaker at LinuxTag2009, please add yourself to this page. You talk should be related to Fedora or

You may sign up for multiple talks. A final schedule is not yet known, nor do we know how many talks we will have room for. Signing up for a talk here does not guarantee that you will end up with a confirmed session.

Name (and link to wiki page) Title English or German Abstract
Yaakov Nemoy Fedora-Devshell (will rename this when i have a catchier name) Both? Fedora Devshell is a tool that can script and automate many steps that go into package development. By the time LinuxTag rolls around, there should be plenty of features for many kinds of packages. Come find out how to use Fedora Devshell for your own work.
Paul W. Frields Fedora Forward! English (except for an embarrassing but thankfully brief introductory mangling of the lovely German tongue) This talk is a follow up to the one given at LinuxTag 2008, covering our successes and failures since then, why we're proud of both, and a look at what's next.

Comment: Jeroen van Meeuwen suggests getting enough speakers together to form a multi-talk Configuration Management track.